Since announcing that Robert Pattinson would be the next actor to take on the Dark Knight, there has been a lot of speculation as to how the 33-year-old actor would do playing the Gotham Vigilante. As the 3rd Batman in less than 12 years, it will be very interesting as to how Pattinson will take on the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman.

With Batman being one of the most popular superheroes in history, all eyes will be on him. With a great supporting cast, an exciting director, and Pattinson’s own dedication to his roles, here are 10 reasons why he will be the best Batman yet.

The Looks

Bruce Wayne stands at 6'2’’ and weighs 210 pounds, Pattinson is 6'1’’ and is about 180. Although Bruce has 30 pounds on him, its no doubt Pattinson is currently putting on weight and looks to be at least 200lbs by the time they start filming the new Batman movie.

Apart from the height, Pattinson and Wayne share a similar swagger to them, being able to act both as a billionaire playboys without a care in the world and a mysterious, intimidating vigilante that might break your fingers to get the information he wants. With these being crucial to the Batman persona, it’s safe to say we can rest assured that Pattinson will nail this part of his role.

Acting Experience

Throughout his acting career, Pattinson has played many memorable roles, each with his own unique twists to it. Although much of the controversy as to his casting has to do with his role in Twilight, Pattinson has matured as an actor and taken on several roles that prove he’s ready to take on what’s arguably the biggest role of his career.

He has played roles similar to the Bruce Wayne type as well as roles where he has to get his hands dirty. It’s no doubt Pattinson has come a long way from his days on Twilight, not to say he didn’t nail the role of Edward Cullen.

Familiarity with the Role

Speaking of Twilight, Pattinson has played the role of a popular pop culture figure before. Take away the cheesy storyline and the cringe-worthy dialogue of Twilight, Pattinson clearly stole the show as the stoic vampire Edward Cullen. Playing a complex and emotional role, Pattinson did well with what he was given and was arguably of the only actors to make it out of the saga without ruining his career.

With Pattinson even criticizing the film, it’s very obvious that he wants to go away from the role, but it proves he can take the pressure of starring in a popular series and nail it.

Batman Certified

When a predecessor gives you the green light on a role or job, its got to be a good feeling. In an interview, while promoting his new movie Ford v Ferrari Christian Bale was asked and gave a very enthusiastic answer about Pattinson’s casting calling a good choice and an interesting one. He even gave Pattinson advice on the suit, being able to go to the bathroom comfortably is key when it comes to the suit.

Christian Bale has played a memorable Batman in Nolan’s trilogy and continues to be many’s favorite choices of the Dark Knight. It can only get one more excited for what’s to come.


Like his predecessors, Pattinson has immersed himself in the Batman role early and looks to get in physical and mental shape for the movie. Pattinson has revealed he is reading all Batman comics both older and newer comics to really get in the mind of the Bat and become the Dark Knight.

Aside from reading, Pattinson has also recruited the help of the world-famous Jiu-Jitsu trainer Righan Machado who has trained several big-name actors including Keanu Reeves, Charlie Hunman and even Vin Diesel. He’s even gotten advice from former Dark Knight trilogy director Christopher Nolan on how to effectively move around in the batsuit.

 Team & Cast Behind the Movie

When Warner Bros announced that Robert Pattinson would take on the cowl, they also announced Cloverfield and Planet of the Apes director Matt Reeves would be set to direct the movie. Reeves has stated several occasions that he wanted to take the Batman to a whole new level that’s never been seen in movies and that alone should get the fans excited.

Aside from that, the cast of the movie is also full of A-list quality actors that will help Pattinson carry the newest DC movie. Including confirmed actors Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, and Jeffrey Wright who are taking on the role of Catwoman, the Riddler, and Commissioner Gordon respectively, as well as Matthew McConaughey and Andy Serkis who is rumored to play Harvey Dent and Alfred. The movie has no shortage of star power.

The Story

Matt Reeves is adamant about taking the movie to somewhere its never been before, concentrating less on the gadgets and batweapons and focusing more on the man and the detective Batman. This puts a more realistic twist to Batman and could make for a very interesting story with engaging plots and real-world problems.

Setting the noir, detective tone, we could very well see one of the best Batman movies yet, combining the realistic storylines of Nolan’s trilogy with epic fight scenes in Ben Affleck’s portrayal. The fact Batman will take on multiple villains at once should get the fans ecstatic for the film.

The Inspiration

Speaking of good stories, Reeves has made it clear he is drawing inspiration by one of the best comic storylines ever in the Longest Halloween a post-crisis, murder mystery of sorts that follows several villains including Harvey Dent.

Nolan’s trilogy has already taken some influence from the storyline and Reeves looks to prepare a more grounded storyline. With bringing in some of Batman’s most formidable foes along with a younger, more reckless Bruce Wayne, it could make for one of the greatest tellings of the story to date. With all the ups and downs the comic has, it would be very cool to see this story on the big screen.

The Rogues

Like mentioned before, Batman is confirmed to be taking on several foes including the Penguin, the Riddler, Harvey Dent, and Catwoman, although the latter might take on a more antihero role in the movie.

With arguably the most villains Batman will be taking on at a time, it should make for great action and fighting scenes that have never been seen before. Throw-in Pattinson’s training and acting skills, we could see something we’ve never seen before in a Batman movie. Reeves has mentioned we will see more of a younger, less grizzled Batman who doesn’t rely heavily on his gadgets so there could be a lot of genuine effects that will make the movie real.

The Suit

The thing that makes the Batman, Batman, his suit. Revealing we would get a classic blue and grey suit with minimal armor, we could see a completely different looking Batman, very similar to the animated movies.

With Reeves being adamant on making the suit as realistic as possible and with Pattinson himself stating how powerful he felt in the suit, its only a matter of time before we get a look and get excited about the suit. Reeves also revealed that we could possibly get a look at the new suit as early as December 2019. Another exciting way Pattinson might just make the best Batman yet.