It is no surprise you are wondering how much Costco makes on a timely basis. As a multi-store company in about 804 locations and with over 3 million shoppers walking into their individual Costco warehouses on a daily basis, everyone is fascinated with  the figures Costco makes yearly. Your answers are right here!

Here is a table which shows how much Costco makes per second, minutes, hour, day, week, month and year from its average total sales derived from its total sales for the 2020 financial year.

Now, let’s take a more in-depth look at how Costco makes these staggering sales figures on a regular basis.

$5175 in one second??

In 2020, Operating with about 795 warehouses, Costco accumulated sales of up to $163.2 billion. Using a simple division calculation, we can easily know how much it makes per second. Now, $163.2 billion Divided by 3153600 seconds in a year… And zap! We got $5175 worth of sales in just one second.

Did we say $310500 in a minute?

Going by our previous calculations, we can establish the fact that Costco makes $310500 in a minute from sales made in 795 warehouses. This results into an average sale of $192 million per warehouse as calculated in the statistics for Costco’s revenue in 2020.

How much does Costco make in an hour?

Through its in-store merchandise sales, Costco puts together a mind-blowing sum of $18 million per Hour.

A lot of people would like to conclude that Costco makes the majority of its money from its membership fees but research shows that only $3.54 billion can be attributed to Membership fees which are only 2.1% of the company’s total revenue of $166.7 billion in 2020.

How much does Costco make per day?

$18,630,136.99! This is how much Costco members spend on the discounted product deals that Costco offers daily.

How much is Costco’s monthly sales revenue?

Its total monthly revenue amounts to over $13.6 billion.

What is Costco Annual Revenue and Profit?

In 2020, Costco reported total revenue of US$166.7 billion which is an increase of 8.4% over its previous fiscal year’s revenue of US$152.703 billion and a net income of US$4.002 billion, an increase of 8.6% over the previous year cycle.

Note: Its net sales from its total revenue is $163.2 billion.

How many customers does Costco have per day?

Costco is the second largest global retailer. Now that it has increased its store count in many locations, Costco was able to acquire around 105 million membership card holders by the end of 2020. On average, Costco has over 3 million shoppers a day and processes over 2.3 million sales transactions daily.

How much does Costco make on a busy day?

Christina Polovina, A manager at Costco commented in a post on Quora that their busiest warehouses make about $1.5 million on the busiest day (a day before Christmas and a day before thanksgiving). According to her, Most of their heavy hitter buildings are in Korea but there are a few that do the same volume in southern California and Portland. Busiest day she ever had in the business in Tustin CA was a whopping $1.3M for just 1 day.


With its ever increasing revenue and profit, Costco is a leading company in wholesale retail products. As Assessed in March 2021, Costco has about 804 warehouses worldwide.

It has most of its warehouses situated in the United States with a total of 558, Canada 103, Mexico 39, United Kingdom 29, Japan 27, South Korea 16, Taiwan 14, Australia 13, Spain 4, France 2, Iceland 1 and mainland China 1. It continues to expand globally, leading its competitors on a fast race to catch up with it.

How does Costco make money and grow?

As mentioned earlier, Costco makes most of its money from in-store merchandise sales. It has two major fast growing product areas which are fresh food and hardline products such as hardware and large appliances.

Costco’s business model allows it to outshine its competitors in terms of low price and customer loyalty. It sells its products with a ridiculously low margin which draws in customers but makes its money back through sales of membership cards which also ensures its customer’s loyalty.

Who are Costco’s most significant competitors?

How low is Costco’s profit margin?

Costco operates a really low profit margin, circling around 2 percent on a quarterly basis and an average of 11 percent gross profit margin over the past 5 years. In 2020, its gross profit margin was 11.2 percent and as at November 30th 2021, its operating profit margin was just 2.57 percent which is even lower than the operating profit margin for August 31st 2021 which was 2.66 percent.

However these low profit margins have proven to be a sign of strength for the company rather than weakness.