Windows 10’s personal assistant is making her move to the Xbox One. Gamers will be able to turn on their console either with their headset or Kinect, as well as launch applications, start a party and see what their friends are up to. All gamers need say is, “Hey Cortana”, and the AI will awaken to assist you with all of your gaming needs.

The AI will be launched in the United States, the UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain at first. Microsoft promises Cortana will continue to be improved over time, with new features to make the experience more engaging. 

For now, Cortana is available for Preview members only, but she will be available to everyone by this summer. Cortana is a part of the latest update which also includes a faster and easier to use game collection, a Facebook friend finder, improved sharing and other handy features. 

So game on, gamers, with your new and improved AI assistant!