A copyright strike is a legal notice sent by YouTube on behalf of the owner of the original content if somebody uses their content in an unauthorized way and without their permission. Not only that, even the video that you have copied gets deleted from the platform. However, you can use the content of the others in your video by taking permission from the owner, before uploading the video.

Although prior approval from the copyright holder is necessary if you want to use his/her work, there are some cases in which you can freely use other’s content without the fear of a breach of the copyright rules, which are as follows: –

You use the content for fair use. You use it for educational purposes. The work is used by you for spreading awareness. It is used for initiating a protest campaign against the evil practices prevailing in the surroundings. The content is for the welfare of the common public and is capable of making a change in society.

Your video gets deleted from the platform. Your subscribers and views get affected due to the negative impact on your image as a creator. Before uploading the next video after your first copyright strike, you must compulsorily complete the copyright school in which you learn some basics of copyright rules & regulations and have to answer a few questions to ensure that you have now learned & understood the rules. On getting 3 (maximum) strikes your channel gets deleted from the platform. You will be banned permanently by YouTube and not allowed to create any new channel in the future.

What next in case you get a strike on your video?

You can either opt to wait and do nothing about it because a strike is removed usually after the completion of 90 days. But, it’s not advisable as everyone including your subscribers can see the words “the video is deleted” in place of your removed video and the name of the original creator. It will harm your reputation and can result in a reduced fan following.

If you have used somebody else’s content following the fair use guidelines of the platform then you can request & negotiate with the owner of that content to allow you to use it. If the owner agrees to your request, he can ask YouTube to remove the strike from your video.  

If you are sure enough that you have not infringed any laws regarding the copyrighted material and the strike is falsely put on your video, you can appeal and fill a dispute form to send the counter-notice to YouTube to put a false claim on you.

Always try to post your original creation rather than copying from others. It will help attract folks to watch your videos as they get something new to entertain themselves as nobody wants to watch the repeated content.

If you still need to use others’ work for a nice cause that is for the benefit of the common people, then it’s better to take prior approval from the owner whose content you want to use in your video. The owner holds all rights to your video regarding monetization. Usually, owners don’t allow to monetize such videos.

Avoid movie songs and compositions sung either by a famous singer or any common person not even as the background music of the video since songs get noticed first by the AI tools used for the detection of copyright violations.

It would be best if you give credit to the owner by mentioning his name at the beginning of your video that you are inspired by his work but, still you are obliged to take permission.

Conclusion – 

It is a powerful weapon that was initiated by YouTube for protecting the original creations & save creators from the people who steal the work of others and shamelessly claim that to be their own. But, nowadays people are using this for their own benefit to take undue advantages for making money. Many established creators are using it to rule the online world & to eliminate their competitors from progressing. So, it’s the time when YouTube has to reconsider its policy & make necessary amendments to its copyright guidelines.