Cooper was with his folks and twin brother at the Good country Park, Sick., July fourth procession when a shooter started shooting, killing seven individuals and harming handfuls more.

Cooper was shot and experienced critical wounds, including a cut off spinal rope, which incapacitated him starting from the waist.

In an update to a GoFundMe made by the Roberts family, they reported today that the kid was at long last ready to return home.

“We are at a complete loss of words to offer how loaded up with thanks, love and completeness we currently feel given that we can at long last have Cooper back at home,” the GoFundMe page peruses. “There was a period, not exactly quite a while in the past, where we were frantically and hotly supplicating only for Cooper to reside.”

— MSN (@MSN) September 22, 2022

The update likewise subtleties every one of the obstacles Cooper needed to defeat while in the clinic, including being on a ventilator on different occasions, day to day restoration, medical procedures, a fluid diet and “long stretches of torment and enduring, tears and questions, dread and desolation, assurance and battling soul.”

As of Thursday, the mission has raised more than $2 million. Albeit the Roberts family is as yet confronting different difficulties, for example, finding another home that is wheelchair-accommodating for Cooper, they are deciding to zero in on the up-sides at the present time — the primary one being that Cooper endure his wounds.

“Cooper is alive and home and our sweet and beautiful athletic young man has decided that he will sort out better approaches to play sports,” the GoFundMe peruses.

As a matter of fact, Cooper has previously focused on learning wheelchair tennis and has visited the court multiple times. “Since the very start, Cooper has propelled us,” the update peruses. “He is valiant and kind. He is rock solid yet amazingly gracious.”

The GoFundMe update finished with another reassuring line for allies who have followed Cooper’s extreme process: “We realize he will show the whole world that adoration truly wins eventually.”