Developers of the popular series Alan Wake and Control, Remedy Entertainment, is currently working on three separate new projects, and one of them will be the company’s first long-term service-based multiplayer game. Creators of the first two titles in the Max Payne series, as well as Quantum Break, Remedy Entertainment has been a well-known name in the gaming industry for over two decades, but they have primarily focused on single-player experiences throughout the majority of their career.

The success of Control has been great news for Remedy Entertainment, who recently obtained the publishing rights to Alan Wake from the game’s original publisher, Microsoft. While this news in itself doesn’t mean a new Alan Wake title is definitely on the way, a recent earnings report from Remedy Entertainment does point towards such a possibility becoming much more likely, and that’s not all Remedy is apparently working on.

According to a recent report by GameRant, Remedy Entertainment is working on three new games following their continued support of Control through DLC, including a title which is promised to be a long-term multiplayer live service game. This information comes from an earnings report posted to Remedy Entertainment’s own website, in which the company stated that their multiplayer project, currently code-named Vanguard, has “reached the stage of having the first internally playable development version,” and that their other, “as yet unannounced game project” is proceeding well. Both of these games are reportedly preparing for pre-production.

Remedy also states that they are continuing to work in collaboration with Smilegate on their Crossfire projects, CrossfireX and CrossfireHD, by helping to create single-player content and a PVE three-episode story mode called “Operation Frost.” All of these games, except the upcoming multiplayer Vanguard project, are being developed using Remedy Entertainment’s Northlight game engine. The company states that “to enable frequent game releases in the future we will continue working on Smilegate-owned Crossfire and on game brands that are owned and significantly financed by Remedy.”

Whether or not this means the upcoming multiplayer live-service Vanguard project is set within an existing Remedy Entertainment IP or not remains to be seen, but the news does bode well for fans hoping for another game in the Alan Wake series. A focus on internally-owned brands could easily see Remedy returning to the Alan Wake franchise in the future, and with the company not giving players any indication at all about their upcoming unannounced project’s focus, fans will just have to wait to find out. Although it’s doubtful a sequel to Control would be in the works so quickly after the original’s release, the game’s popularity would certainly warrant one in the future.

Next: How Control Actually Exists In Alan Wake’s Universe

Sources: Game Rant, Remedy Entertainment