Presently, the smartphones are one of the tops needs of humans. Anyone using the same can clearly understand how these gadgets have changed their life. Although there are a lot of phones available in the global markets these days, there is always a need for you to choose wisely when it comes to making your investment. There is nothing wrong to say that you can have a lot these days when it comes to owning this gadget. The best part is the budget really doesn’t matter and those with very limited one can also make sure of getting the same. Yes, it’s true and no one ever imaged that some of the leading smartphone providers such as Samsung will also start rolling the low-cost phones. We are talking about the Samsung Galaxy M10 which Samsung just introduced. Here are the solutions to the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems.

Well, this phone is not having any of the major problems in it. This post helps you to deal with the ones that usually declare their presence because of reasons associated more with the software than the hardware. The Android technology is vast and is powerful but the fact is it has a lot of problems associated with the same. These problems often reflect themselves as the minor bugs in the smartphones. Most of these issues can be avoided with some simple instructions and the users can always make sure of having the best with them. Check out below the best methods for the solutions against the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems. Before that, let us know some of the good reasons to own this phone.

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Why buy Samsung Galaxy M10?

The answer to this question is very simple. This is actually the best that you can have in this year atleast as of now. There is hardly any chance that reputed manufacturers like Samsung will soon be going to give you an opportunity to own a smartphone with as many features as in Galaxy M10 with the competitive price. Those who love Samsung and couldn’t afford their high-end smartphones can simply go ahead with this. As already mentioned, there is nothing to think or to worry about the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems. They are usually rare and declare their presence only when the users don’t pay appropriate attention to their phones. Check out now the more about the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems and how they can be fixed.

Common Samsung Galaxy M10 Problems and Fixes

One of the common sayings is using/owning a Smartphone is easy but maintaining it is difficult. This is mainly because a lot of users really don’t have any idea about the importance of doing so. Many think that updates are not of significant use and they continuously avoid the same. This is not the only reason to the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems but there are many. Knowing the reasons is something that needs core expertise and therefore the same is not the real aim of this post.

You just need to introduce yourself with the methods that really work against these problems. While applying them, an important thing which you as a user should keep in your mind is avoid making/modifications in the method you read. You may face additional problems with the same and cannot be blamed for the same. You can now proceed with useful information about the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems.

Connectivity Problems

You cannot think about all the possible reasons to this problem as there can be many. Focus on the solutions which are listed below

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Check if you have already connected your smartphone with a device through any other mode which can sometimes disable the Bluetooth
  • Make sure to check that all the applications which are present in your phone have their cache data cleaned recently
  • Sometimes the users have to face this problem just because they try exchanging the data with copyright issues or when they use data which is not supported by the phones
  • This problem might be there because you are sending a lot of data in one attachment through Bluetooth. Keep it under 100MB as Bluetooth is a feature that can accurately handle data with limited size only
  • If any kind of restrictions are imposed on the phone connectivity, you need to remove the same as this can influence the ability of the phone to exchange the data through the Bluetooth
  • Pen the Bluetooth settings and check nothing is set to work in a customized mode
  • The problem might be there just because you have set the visibility of your Bluetooth connection to hidden mode
  • Check if the phone Bluetooth drivers are in proper working condition and are not causing this problem
  • The problem might be there just because the phone doesn’t have enough free storage space to bear the new data
  • Make sure everything is in working condition with the other gadget you are trying to connect your Samsung Galaxy M10 with
  • Check if a basic reboot is able to solve the problem
  • Erase the history of recently connected Bluetooth devices
  • Simply check if this problem is caused by a hardware fault in your phone
  • Another possible reason to this problem is the power saving mode which might be active on your phone. Check

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Open the Wi-Fi settings on your Galaxy M10 and choose to forget the network. Add it again and check if this solves the problem
  • Turn OFF the phone Wi-Fi and again turn it ON. Try connecting now. This basic trick can solve the problem
  • Check if you are entering the updated password in the phone. There are users who often put an old password and face the problem due to the very same reason
  • Do check if this problem is there just because of low/limited strength. It is recommended to place the router to a central location of your arena to make sure the low signal strength causes no issues
  • Do check if you are using a router which has a limit on connecting/hosting the devices and the same has already been reached
  • In some of the cases, the users face this problem when they made any changes to the default network settings on their phone
  • Simply choose to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi connection and check if the things are in working condition or not
  • The service provider might have suspended the services from your connection. Check
  • Make sure the particular domain or the application which you are using is not responsible for this problem
  • You need to make sure the router has been installed correctly and is free from any kind of problem
  • Software bug on your phone or a problem with its Wi-Fi antenna can stop the ability of your phone to exchange the data on a network
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only due to IP address conflict between two devices
  • There are chances that the network security has been disabled and the same is causing the problem
  • Check if your bandwidth limit has been exceeded and the internet services have been barred due to the same reason

Camera problems/Blurry images

  • The level of screen brightness should be adjusted up to a level so that you don’t confuse the screen brightness with the camera problems
  • If the default camera app is not getting open or screen appears blank, there are chances of a software problem in the phone. Restart it and if an update is pending t install for the OS, go for it
  • There are chances that the lens of your Galaxy M10 is not clean and doing so may solve the problem
  • The camera should be operated under the appropriate shooting mode when it comes to getting the quality images
  • This problem can arrive when you turn OFF the HD capturing of the images in the camera settings
  • There are chances that your smartphone camera is having an internal problem related with the hardware. Check
  • Make sure the phone remains completely still while capturing the snaps. The object you are capturing should also be focused properly to make sure of the quality
  • Turn OFF the burst mode and check if the low visibility around you is responsible for this problem
  • Rather than using any other application, prefer the default camera app to make sure of the quality

Overheating problems

  • Check if your power bank is causing this problem. The same might not be compatible in terms of power ratings/output with your phone. Pay proper attention before the problem extend itself to level next
  • The phone might have a few or all the apps installed from other sources than the official platform for apps and i.e. the Play Store
  • If you have recently moved some data in your phone, erase it or move it back to the other device. Check if the problem is solved after this
  • There are chances that your charger is causing the problem when you prefer a low quality or a third-party one
  • Restart the phone and check if the things are back on the track
  • Do check if this problem is caused by your addiction of installing and playing games in your phone especially when they are bulky in terms of size
  • The phone ventilation system might have stopped working and the same can be the reason to the overheating
  • The presence of a virus in the default memory is another cause to the continuous overheating of the phone hardware
  • Check if your back cover is blocking the excess heat from escaping from the phone
  • If still your Galaxy M10 is getting overheated, it’s time to bring it to an authorized Samsung repair store

Unable to connect to the Windows PC

  • Check if the problem is there just because both the devices have not been connected properly. Simply disconnect and connect them once again
  • The USB drivers must be updated for both the gadgets to make sure of an interrupted link between them
  • Make sure you are not facing this problem just because of moving a data type in any of the gadgets which it doesn’t support
  • There are chances of a virus infection in the PC or in the phone
  • Check and make sure both the devices are having the drivers for the others in a proper working condition
  • There are chances that the phone doesn’t have everything OK with its USB connector
  • Make sure the connecting cable or the parallel medium is not responsible for this problem
  • This problem can be there just because the Windows or the phone OS are having some bugs in them
  • There are chances that the USB port on your PC is not in working condition. Check it properly
  • Make sure your phone is having the MTP mode selected when you have to perform general operations
  • Restart your phone and the PC and check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances of a hardware fault in any of the devices. Check properly

Screen not working properly

  • One of the reasons to the screen-related common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems is loading the phone with a data it doesn’t actually support
  • Do check if the installed applications or a software problem is not the actual culprit responsible for this
  • You can face this problem when your phone doesn’t have enough free space required to perform its functions smoothly
  • The Galaxy M10 screen might not be cleaned against the oil, moisture or grease particles which are responsible for this issue
  • Check if a forced restart is able to solve the problem
  • You might have turned ON the screen mirroring/sharing option. If so, disable it and check
  • The usage of low-quality accessories with the phone can also be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having a problem in its OS. Check if an update is available and install the same
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is having something actually wrong with the screen. Take help of a professional to know more about this
  • Your hands might not be cleaned. Check
  • The installed glass guard on the screen can also be held responsible for this problem. remove it and check if the screen now works perfectly

Slow performance

  • A simple restart can solve this problem. check
  • Make sure your phone storage space is not completely filled and must have atleast 2GB free space available all the time
  • The slow performance could be there due to not installing the latest updates for the phone as well as for the applications in the phone
  • Multitasking can affect the performance level up to some extent. Limit the number of background running applications as this can help you to solve the problem
  • There are chances that either the phone RAM or any other hardware component is suffering from a problem
  • Do check if this problem is only there just because you have changed the important recommended settings of the phone to the custom
  • Make sure not to use any pirated or low-quality accessories with the phone as this can slow down the performance for sure
  • Make sure there is no virus in the phone memory. Check it with an antivirus application and delete the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users create multiple accounts on a single application
  • Do check if your phone is having something wrong with the Operating System. Check all the bugs and take the suitable action
  • The problem might be there just because you are using the phone while charging it

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • The phone might be facing this problem just because of a faulty charger. Check the cable as well as the charger adapter both
  • Make sure the screen brightness level is not set to its maximum level which wouldn’t just drain the battery quickly but will also boost the charging time
  • Avoid placing the calls and performing other tasks while charging the phone. Keep the mobile data OFF while charging
  • Make sure the features such as hotspot and GPS are only turned ON when they are required
  • Sharing the internet connection with multiple devices can also be the reason you have to face this problem
  • There are chances that your smartphone is suffering from a platform which is actually related with the battery inside. Perform a self-inspection test or bring it to an authorized repair shop
  • There are chances that the phone OS has not been updated when the updates were already released. Check the same
  • A lot of notifications are there which usually turn the screen ON. Keep them disabled
  • Check if the charging port on your Samsung Galaxy M10 is suffering from a problem
  • Always choose the screen automatic OFF option when you don’t use it for a few seconds

Apps not working properly

  • Check if this problem is present in your Samsung Galaxy M10 just because you are running it with an outdated version of the apps. It is important and always recommended to update the apps to make sure these problems wouldn’t declare their presence
  • Always allow the apps to access the phone data when the permissions are asked by them during the use. If you restrict the same, there are chances of this problem
  • Do check if the UI of the installed app which is causing the problem is not supported by the phone
  • The bugs and the errors that are generally related with the phone OS can cause this problem
  • Sometimes disabling the features of your phone can affect the working of certain apps
  • Do check if the problem is there just because of a hardware problem in the phone
  • Remove the apps which is causing the problem and install it again in the phone
  • The apps and their data should always be kept in the phone storage only and not in the microSD card
  • This problem might be there just because the apps have been installed from the third-party sources in your phone
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when your phone memory available is very limited
  • Check if a reboot can solve this problem

Earpiece sounds robotic

  • Make sure the sound drivers in the phone are not interrupted by anything and are causing this problem
  • Check carefully if there is a sharp bend on the earpiece wire which can be another possible reason to this issue
  • The problem might be there due to not connecting the earpiece with the phone or due to incompatibility of the same with the Samsung Galaxy M10 if you are using an earpiece provided by a third-party manufacturer
  • Do check if the problem is there only because the quality of the music you are playing is too bad and is not relevant
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only due to a blockage in the earpiece speakers. Check and take the concerned action
  • You can face this problem only because your phone earpiece jack is not in proper working condition
  • Make sure the phone sounds are not disabled by you
  • Remove and reconnect the earpiece again with the phone to check if this solves the problem
  • You must use the right variant of this smartphone which is manufactured for your region and must check the list of networks it supports
  • This problem might be there just because the SIM on which internet connection is enabled has been inserted in the SIM slot 2 and not in the 1
  • Do check if the SIM card has not been inserted properly in the phone and the same is causing this problem
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having something wrong with its signal antenna. Check properly
  • Make sure the SIM card is not locked with a password and has all the services fully applicable on the same
  • The problem could be there just because you are in a basement or is at a location where the network coverage is not there
  • Make sure to turn ON the roaming services when required
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having a problem in its SIM tray. Check it properly
  • Open the network selection mode and make sure the same is turned to automatic option
  • Check if the Airplane mode is turned ON and the same is causing the problem
  • If your SIM has not been used for a long time, check with the network provider if the services are applicable on it or not

That is all what you should know about the common Samsung Galaxy M10 problems. To stay tuned with all the latest news about the Android and for the solutions to the common problems for other gadgets, keep visiting this website.