A smartphone is something which is slowly becoming a part of life for us all. There would hardly be any situation currently when a Smartphone is not actually required. In fact, a phone is as important as their heart to humans. This is very much true and a very large number of people have started investing on the smartphones that can help them in making their life superior. Well, if you are one among them, probably there is a full bouquet of options available for you simply. All you need to do is to explore the internet to know about them. One of the trusted phones is Oukitel WP2. It has been known for its smoothness, reliability and offering users a never before experience. Check out below the common Oukitel WP2 problems which you can face anytime. As they are mentioned along with their solutions, there is nothing to worry about.

It is always daunting to choose between the right and the wrong. Therefore, it is always suggested to you to spend some time on the internet and parallel platforms to know about the phone you own or about to own. The good thing is Oukitel WP2 is a perfect option. It really doesn’t have any kind of major hardware issues reported by the users. The ones which you will find in this post are basic. The reason of the presence of most of them is minor bugs related to software domain of the phone. Thus, these issues can be formulated easily by doing-it-yourself approach. Here is the required information on common Oukitel WP2 problems and their fixes to help you. Let us first know why this phone is a better option.

What makes Oukitel WP2 an ideal option?

Oukitel WP2 is a smartphone that comes with many features. You might have no idea but the fact is this phone has been designed by paying equal attention on price and the quality that one can have. You simply need not to worry about anything if you want to own this gadget. There are certain things that have been provided in a dedicated manner to this phone. You can enjoy every latest feature in this gadget simply and without worrying about anything. Well, there are certain other reasons to own this which you can check on the World Wide Web. Go ahead now with the common Oukitel WP2 problems.

Common Oukitel WP2 Problems and Fixes

Dealing with any kind of problem can be made simple when you have the right kind of information with you. However, this really doesn’t mean that you need to gain a lot of knowledge on the technical aspects of a smartphone. Just the basic idea about the functionality for both software and the hardware domain is enough. This makes it easy to follow the right guide for troubleshooting. Some of the useful methods are listed in this post that works against the common Oukitel WP2 problems and you can follow them in the same manner as listed. Don’t change them to a different manner as www.getdroidtips.com cannot be held responsible if you face any problem by doing this.

Connectivity Problems

The phone might be suffering from this issue due to multiple reasons related with both software and the hardware domain. You need to inspect your device to know the exact cause. This can easily be done by taking the below information to your consideration.

  • It is better to begin solving this problem with s impel restart as it can help you in many cases
  • Do check if the access to the Wi-Fi is restricted on the modem or on your phone
  • Make sure you enter the correct password imposed for the network security
  • Make sure the recommended LAN and other networks settings have not been changed
  • Check if the things are wrong just because the phone owned by you have some of the faults in its Wi-Fi drivers
  • Check and make sure if the problem is just because the access to the Wi-Fi is distributed with other apps installed in the phone
  • Forget the network and add it again. Check if this solves your problem
  • Make sure the things are not going good just because the modem is having any kind of fault with it. Check whether it has been configured in the right manner or not
  • Check if the cable connection on the modem is wrong
  • The problem could be due to network failure as well. Check and make sure of this
  • You might have crossed the daily bandwidth limit if any and the problem could be due to the same reason
  • Your modem probably has a limit on connecting the devices with the internet. Exceeding the same can also be the reason to this problem
  • This problem might be due to internet services suspension. Check and make sure of this
  • Your device might not be fulfilling all the eligibility criteria for getting connected to the network
  • It is often convenient to begin troubleshooting this problem by first checking if the problem is related to the parallel device you are trying to connect
  • Do clear the cache data of the phone and check if this can solve your problem
  • You might be facing the problem just because the storage capacity of any of the phones is completely filled
  • Your device might have reached its limit to remember the number of paired devices. Thus, erase a few names from the paired list and check if this solve your concern
  • You need to provide the right pass code which might be asked while pairing your phone with another for the first time
  • Check if the problem is due to disabling the Bluetooth or imposing any kind of restriction on your phone
  • Make sure the problem is not because of disabling the device security
  • Properly check if the phone is suffering from a hardware problem
  • Do check if the things are not running well with the phone OS and its Bluetooth antenna
  • Make sure that the problem in the Bluetooth is not just because of sending the data in a format which is not supported by any of the devices
  • Make sure not to send do many files simultaneously
  • It is always suggested to disable the power saving mode on your phone
  • The problem might be there due to not following the Bluetooth policies on the phone
  • Check if the problem can be solved by restarting your phone simply

Overheating problems

  • The heat generated by the hardware components might be getting trapped inside the phone. Explore all the possible reasons for this
  • Do check if the problems just because the apps in your phone are blocked or are not supported by it
  • Make sure not to rely more on the portable charging sources for your phone
  • It is always recommended to use the original charger and the accessories with your phone
  • Make sure the device battery is not having any kind of problem in it
  • Check and make sure if you are running multiple apps in the phone as this can also cause overheating in the phone
  • There might be a total failure of phone ventilation system. Check and make sure of this
  • In case you have installed a back cover on your phone, check if the problem can be solved by removing it
  • Avoid playing all those games your device cannot handle in true sense
  • Never use your phone for anything while charging the same
  • The continuous power fluctuation can be held responsible for this problem in your phone

Doesn’t recognize the Windows PC

  • If you are not able to connect your phone with the PC, check and make sure that all the important drivers in the phone are installed and working properly
  • It is necessary to connect the phone and the PC only through an authorized cable that comes in your phone box as a part of its charger
  • Make sure the phone or the computer’s security is not disabled as you might not be in a position to connect both these devices together due to the same reason
  • Check and make sure the loose connection is not responsible for this glitch
  • It is suggested to select the MTP mode on the phone
  • If your phone memory is completely filled, you can face this problem due to the very same reason
  • Check and make sure the failure of the USB connector on the phone or on the PC is not responsible for this
  • Sometimes installing a pirated copy of Windows on the PC can cause this problem
  • Check and make sure everything is fine with the data you are trying to exchange among both the devices

TouchScreen not functioning properly

  • This problem could be due to slow performance of the phone as you might the same with screen related glitch
  • If the screen sharing option and the power saving mode on your phone is turned ON, is better to disable them both
  • Do check if the problem is just because of lack of cleanliness on the screen or on your hands. The oil and other particles can stop its functioning as the touchscreen is always touch sensitive
  • You need to remove the gloves if you are wearing them
  • Sometimes when the phone default memory is completely filled, it has a negative impact on the screen functionality
  • Check for a physical damage on the screen or a major hardware failure in the phone
  • Make sure you are not operating the screen of your phone with wet hands
  • Do check if the problem is there just because a lot of applications installed in the phone are outdated. Install all the pending updates for the OS as well
  • Remove the transparent glass cover installed on the phone screen and check if this was causing the problem
  • Open the phone in the safe mode and try restarting it
  • Get it checked if the things are still not in your favor

Bad Camera Quality

  • If you haven’t cleaned the device camera from a long time, do it now
  • Check if the problem is there just because you haven’t installed the latest updates for the device OS
  • The phone camera is a true friend of the default camera application. Therefore, it is recommended to operate it through the same
  • Check if the problem is just because you are using the camera through third-party applications or clicking the pictures in the burst mode
  • Do check if the HD mode is enabled in the camera settings
  • It is always recommended to you to select a shooting mode that is suitable as per the nearby conditions. Turn ON the flashlight or set it to automatic mode when the need of same is there
  • Simply focusing on the object you want to capture can solve your problem
  • Do check is something is not good with the software domain of your phone
  • Always clean the camera lens gently and check if there is some moisture in the same which is causing this problem
  • The camera zoom feature can largely affect the picture quality if you exceed it beyond a limit
  • Do check if the SIM card fulfill the entire eligibility criteria for the phone which you are going to insert in it
  • Check and make sure that all the things are perfect with the SIM tray, SIM slot and the SIM card itself
  • Do check if there is a physical damage on your SIM card
  • Check if the variant of Oukitel WP2 is supportive with the network you prefer. Check and make sure the things are not wrong just because of a problem with the signal antenna of your phone
  • Make sure the network selection mode has been set to automatic mode in the network settings
  • The common reason to this problem is enabling the Airplane mode and forgetting to disable it
  • Do check if the problem can be solved by manually searching and registering on the home network
  • Make sure you are not in the basement as the signal strength is often low over there
  • The SIM card might be locked through a security PIN. Do check and remove if any
  • Make sure the problem in the phone is not due to frequently changing the location of the same
  • Remove the SIM card and insert it again
  • Call SIM support number if you are able to use another card in your phone
  • Restarting your atleast once in a time span of 24 hours can enhance its performance
  • Do check if you are facing the slow performance only because the phone memory is completely filled
  • Do check if there are a lot of unwanted and non-functional applications in your phone
  • Make sure to install all the updates for which are pending
  • Look for all the factors that degrade the phone performance and take actions according to the same
  • Make sure the problem in the phone is not due to failure of any hardware
  • Do check if the slow processing is just because the RAM is not in a position to perform its task
  • Sometimes when you keep a lot of data in your phone which is not supported by the phone, its performance often goes down
  • It is always recommended to not to use your phone for multitasking especially when it is downloading any kind of data from the internet
  • You might be facing this problem due to not restarting your phone after the installation of a software takes place

Apps Not Working Properly

  • Make sure to update all the installed apps from the Play Store
  • Prefer the trusted platforms only when it comes to installation of the same
  • The problem could be due to not giving the necessary permissions to apps to access data in the phone or to access the other features
  • Check if the apps have been installed in the memory card and not in the phone memory. This can sometimes affect the working of the apps
  • You might have made changes to the recommended settings of the apps
  • Follow all the policies of the apps which you as a user are bounded to
  • The cache data of the apps is to be cleared atleast once in a week. Check if this can solve your problem
  • Restart the phone and check if the problem is gone

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • You might be using an earpiece which is not supported by your phone. Check and make sure of this
  • The actual problem might be related to the sound or the music you are playing. Check the quality of the same
  • Do check if the problem is related with the earpiece connector
  • You might be using a non-functional earpiece. Try using it on another phone
  • Do check if the things are not good just because the sounds drivers on the phone are not performing their task properly
  • You might have turned OFF the phone sounds completely. Check this
  • In some cases this problem arrives when the phone is operated in the safe mode or in the power saving mode. Check and disable if any of them is enabled

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • This problem might be due to using unwanted application in the phone. It is suggested to you to inspect all the apps which you haven’t used for a long time
  • Check if the problem is just because of failure of battery of your phone
  • It would be good to disable the notifications which you no longer need. Don’t give permissions to all the apps to send the same to you
  • Check if you are using a faulty charger and this is the reason the phone is taking more time to charge
  • Close the apps which are running in the background and especially the ones which often put extra burden on the battery
  • The problem might be there in your Oukitel WP2 due to OS faults
  • If you are lucky, a simple restart to the phone can solve this issue. Try the same
  • There might be some technical glitch in the software or hardware domain of your phone
  • Don’t download a lot of files at the same time
  • Installation of all those games which are not supported by the phone can also cause this problem
  • If you use a power bank, check its power rating. It must match with the Oukitel WP2
  • The device should be bought to a nearby authorized service center if the above methods doesn’t solve your problem

It is recommended to you to try all the methods and the instruction mentioned under every problem. This simply eliminates the problem from its root cause. For more information on the common Oukitel WP2 problems, you can simply post a comment below.