There is nothing wrong to say that smartphones these days are provided by manufacturers with features far beyond our imagination. However, this really doesn’t mean that all the features are equally powerful to all the users. For some, the business-related apps largely matters while for the others the general ones play a significant role. In other words, different people make use of a smartphone for the different purposes. However, there are a few features in a modern phone that everyone loves to access. These commonly include the camera, music, Bluetooth and more. It is also true that most of the common issues are associated in a smartphone with these features only. In this post, the common Oukitel U17 problems will be introduced to you with the best possible solutions against them. Continue reading this post to know them.

If you have plans to invest on this phone, probably it is one of the best decisions. In case you are wondering why it is recommended to you to go ahead despite having the common issues associated with this smartphone, you simply need to keep this thing in your mind that the problems discussed here are very basic. They are not present in this phone just because of serious issues about the hardware. Anyone can face them in any of the gadget due to multiple reasons. Therefore, this is not a reason to worry about anything. You should pay attention to the common Oukitel U17 problems and how to fix them gently.

Why invest on Oukitel U17

Well, the fact is, it is one of the finest available phones that can be trusted in the budget range. There would hardly be any other manufacturer who can offer the parallel features in the similar price range. You can explore all the features that are present in the latest smartphones. Also, it has been reported as one of the amazing devices by many users. There are several other reasons to invest on this as well. If you already own it, this post is probably very useful to you. Simply check the common Oukitel U17 problems and the solutions available to fix them in below sections

Common Oukitel U17 Problems and Fixes

Getting the positive outcomes against any kind of problem largely depends on how sincerely one made the efforts or follows the guide. Sometimes doing something not appropriate or not mentioned in this post leads to additional problems in the phone. Thus we advise you to not to change or mold any of the instruction mentioned in this post. wouldn’t bear any responsibility if any kind of problems is observed by you just because of following the same practice. Here is everything important about the common Oukitel U17 problems you wish to know.

Connectivity issues

When it comes to connectivity issues, priority always matters. In other words, you must solve these issues first then others in case your phone has multiple problems reported. This is relevant and important because connectivity issues really get transformed into other complex issues in no time.

Bluetooth connectivity issues

  • A faulty Bluetooth app, bugs in the Android, improper functionality of the default Bluetooth app and other reasons related to the software can be held responsible for this. Check them properly
  • Make sure the problem is not in the Bluetooth antenna or due to a parallel hardware fault
  • The data which you are sharing might have multiple issues related to the same. Do check it
  • You are not recommended to turn ON the power saving mode when operating the Bluetooth. This is really very important
  • Make sure the problem is not there in your phone just because you haven’t updated your device
  • The other device you are trying to connect can have problems in the same
  • May be the limit of the overall number of devices you can pair with the phone has reached. Check the same on priority
  • Make sure no policies which users have to follow are getting violated. This can automatically disable the Bluetooth functionality of the phone
  • Check if the Bluetooth version installed on both the phones are not compatible to each other
  • You might be facing this issue because of sending so many files in one go. Check and make sure of this
  • Simply make sure if the problem is associated with the pairing of the devices. You might have not paired them correctly
  • Remove the restrictions from the phone and restart it
  • Get the device checked professionally if the problem is still there

Wi-Fi connectivity issues

  • Do check if the Wi-Fi drivers are not working correctly in your phone
  • Check if you have restricted the data exchange speed on the phone. This often makes you feel about the active issues in the phone
  • Make sure the bandwidth limit has not been reached and this is causing the issue
  • Make sure there is no add-on requirement to register the phone on the network
  • Simply check if the problem is there in the modem you are using. The same might not be in a proper working condition
  • Simply check and make sure if the problem is associated with the Local Area Network settings
  • Make sure the internet services are not down or suspended from your number
  • Do check if the problem can be solved simply by restarting the phone and the modem together
  • Close all the apps which are running in the background
  • Make sure to enter the password required to connect on the network correctly in your phone
  • Do check if your phone is already connected to a nearby device through Wi-Fi
  • Make sure not to run the apps at the same time which can have access to the Wi-Fi in your Oukitel U17
  • Do check if the modem is no longer capable to host more devices on the network
  • The network might not be compatible with the phone. Check properly
  • Call the network provider helpline number if the problem is not solved after this

Doesn’t recognize Windows PC

Here is all you need to know about the cause of this problem and the available solutions.

  • Install/update the latest version of USB drivers on your phone
  • Do check if the cable connector on the phone or the PC is having some hardware or other problem associated with the same
  • Make sure to restart the phone after connecting it with PC
  • Make sure there are no restrictions on the Windows and the phone to access the other gadget
  • The problem could be due to data-related factors
  • Don’t use a connecting cable which is not genuine. Do check its compatibility and working state before actually considering
  • The problem could be due to missing drivers in the phone or PC required to detect the other gadget
  • Do check if the USB ports on the PC are disabled or not in proper working condition
  • If the phone is already connected with another device through Bluetooth, you have to disconnect the same first

Performance issues

It is possible for one and all to enhance the phone performance upto some extent on the Oukitel U7 by the following methods and useful instructions.

  • Begin eliminating this issue with a simple reboot to your phone
  • Check if you have installed and running multiple apps in your phone
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there in the phone just because the phone OS has several bugs in the same
  • It is necessary to update all the installed apps for the smooth functionality of your phone. Check if this is not causing the problem
  • Preference is to be given to the quality accessories than using the cheap ones with your phone
  • Don’t install any app or software which is not licensed
  • Make sure to keep the phone memory free upto some extent to make sure this problem doesn’t declare its presence
  • Simply check if the problem you are facing in your Oukitel is just because of not clearing the cache data of the phone
  • Sometimes the presence of so many viruses in the phone can cause the slow performance
  • Make sure no hardware fault is causing this problem in your phone
  • Simply check and make sure if the things are not running properly just because the phone is set to download a lot of data from the internet
  • Simply check if the problem is there just because you are not running the phone in the general mode
  • Update the OS if a new version is available
  • Erase the unwanted data you haven’t used for a long time
  • Check if the problem you are facing is only due to the reason that the SIM card hasn’t been inserted properly in your Oukitel U17
  • The device might be having any problem with its SIM tray or the slot. Do check it properly
  • You need to make it sure that all the services are applicable on your SIM card
  • You might be facing this problem because of no other reason than just enabling the Airplane mode
  • Network stability often becomes an issue when the phone changes its location frequently
  • Simply check and make sure if the problem is just because of compatibility issues between the phone variant and the SIM card
  • Do check if the problem can be restored just by manual network selection
  • The problem could be due to turning the SIM card OFF in the settings
  • Make sure not to make any change in the network settings of your phone
  • Check and make sure the actual reason to the problem is related with the service downtime
  • If you think the problem is in your phone, trying using the SIM in another phone
  • Make sure there are no oil and grease particles on the device screen
  • A major software fault in the phone sometimes cause errors related to the screen
  • Simply check and make sure if the problem is there just because the phone has a physical damage on its screen
  • Do check if the things can be restored just by opening the phone in the safe mode and updating the OS
  • The transparent glass guard is to be removed to check if the same is not causing the problem
  • Disable the screen mirroring option if the same is enabled on your phone
  • You might be wearing gloves or mittens and the same is causing this problem
  • Perform a simple restart after limiting the data present in the phone
  • If the phone performance is slow, you may feel like having this problem in your Oukitel U17

Bad camera quality

Make sure to follow all these methods and instructions properly to avoid the camera-related common Oukitel U17 problems.

  • Do check if the problem is related with the camera lens which might be damaged, not functioning properly or simply needs cleanliness against fingerprints and oil particles
  • Make sure your phone camera is operated only through the default camera apps and not any other
  • Simply check if the lack of cleanliness on the screen is responsible for this fault
  • The problem might be due to not turning ON the camera flashlight during low visibility
  • It is recommended to enable the HD mode while shooting videos or capturing the snaps
  • You might be facing this problem just because of a hardware fault in your Oukitel U17
  • Avoid preferring the burst mode image capturing
  • Make it sure that the shooting mode selected is appropriate as per the conditions
  • It would be good to focus on the object to capture the snaps with quality
  • Make sure to get the device checked if the problem is still observed

Apps not functioning properly

The apps might not be functional due to any of the following reason.

  • Apps might not be installed in the default phone memory. Sometimes they cause this issue when you choose their default installation location in the SD card.
  • Make sure all the apps are updated
  • Do check if the app which is not behaving properly has not been installed from a source not allowed on the phone
  • If you have made any recent changes in the default/recommended settings of an app, you may face this problem
  • Apps installed in the phone might not be compatible with the same or the necessary permissions have not been given to them. Do check and make sure of this
  • Always keep enough storage space in the phone so that apps can be installed and made to run smoothly

Quick Battery draining & slow charging

Both these problems may or may not have the same source of origination. However, the below instructions can fix them both.

  • Make sure not to use your phone while charging it
  • Close all the apps running in the background and disable all the features which you don’t need for the time being before charging your phone
  • Make sure the Wi-Fi hot spot is not turned ON and shared with the other gadgets
  • Check if the phone is having a lot of applications installed in it which you no longer need
  • Avoid playing the games upto the possible extent
  • Keep the mobile data OFF when not required
  • Do check if the problem is there in the phone just because of a battery problem
  • Sometimes there are certain apps which consume more power from the battery for their reliable operation. Check if there are any such apps in the phone
  • Prefer all original accessories with your phone
  • Update the apps and the OS if a new version is available
  • Keeping the mobile data OFF when you don’t have to access the internet can also work against this issue
  • Make sure to turn OFF notifications that really doesn’t matter to you

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • Simply check if the problem is just because of a low quality of music which you are playing
  • Do check a hardware damage has not been caused at the universal USB connector or at the earpiece itself
  • Make sure the problem is not actually related to compatibility
  • Simply check and make sure if the things can simply be restored by restarting your phones
  • Check if the phone sounds are disabled
  • Try using the same earpiece with another phone to check if the problem is related to the phone or its with earpiece

Overheating problems

  • This can happen due to the complete failure of the ventilation system of your phone
  • Simply check and make sure if the blocked apps are putting the extra burden on the RAM
  • Make sure and check if the problem is there just because the phone is often being charged with a pirated charger
  • Check and make sure the problem is not there in your phone battery as this too can cause the overheating
  • A partial failure of the RAM can also be held responsible for the issue
  • Do check if the problem is there in your phone just because the multiple apps haven’t been updated
  • Do check if the problem is there just because the software, apps or the games you have installed are not compatible with the hardware
  • Do check if a simple restart can solve your problem
  • If a mobile charging source such as a power bank is used, make sure it is compatible in every aspect with your phone
  • Sometimes it is possible to deal with this problem just by erasing the unwanted data from the phone

MicroSD card not detected

  • A physical damage on the card is the most common reason to this problem
  • Do check if the problem is there just because the phone doesn’t support the type of card you are using
  • Make sure the SD card is actually in a working state
  • You might have completely filled the SD card and this can be the reason you are facing the problem
  • Make sure to check the actual problem is not because of corrupt data
  • Restart your phone and wait for 2 minutes after inserting the SD card in the phone
  • Simply check and make it sure that the problem is not there just because there are restrictions on using the third-party memory cards with your phone
  • Do make sure the card you are using is free from manufacturing defects if it’s a brand new one
  • Check if the card slot is in proper working condition
  • Format your card and again insert it in the phone. Check if this can solve your concern

This post gives you the best possible information on the common Oukitel U17 problems and fixes. You can follow these instructions without having any technical or core knowledge about the working and the functionality of your phone.