Everyone has problems in his/her life and everyone make use of technology to overcome the stress. This is really true and when it comes to accessing the technology, no better and compatible device than a smartphone has ever made. Smartphones are the gadgets that almost every modern person owns in the present time. Due to the rising scope and the advancements in the technology, humans have loaded this gadget with almost every feature which is useful to them. The same is the reason why everyone makes use of it. Purchasing a smartphone may not always be easy and especially for those who have a lot of option to consider with their preferences. Those who believe “old is gold” simply prefer Nokia gadgets. This post is all about the solutions to the common Nokia 9 PureView problems.

These problems are often experienced by the users when they use their phone. However, this doesn’t mean that Nokia 9 PureView smartphone is having multiple technical glitches reported in it. That’s not the case. This smartphone is good enough to be trusted and invested when you need a powerful device. Of course, there is no need to worry. The common Nokia 9 PureView problems listed in this post are all about the basic bugs which are related with the OS of this phone and i.e. Android. Every smartphone face the problems due to minor bugs in the OS and users have to pay attention to the methods and instructions that can help them in this matter.

How these problems can be avoided

If you think you need to do a lot for overcoming the common Nokia 9 PureView problems, probably you are wrong. Well, this post has been written for the same purpose. All the methods and the instructions that actually help you to avoid different problems are mentioned below. All you need to do is to take them into your consideration carefully. Problem-solving hardly takes 15 minutes provided you know what exactly to do. This is one of the leading benefits of this guide and you can surely keep up the pace against the common Nokia 9 PureView problems you are facing. Here you can proceed with this information.

Common Nokia 9 PureView Problems and Fixes

It has already mentioned that these methods should be taken into consideration very carefully. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be held responsible for any additional problem if the same is the result of your carelessness. Also, such a situation may arrive in case the methods are molded while applying. Therefore, you need to pay extreme attention to this. While reading the methods to avoid the common Nokia 9 PureView problems, it is recommended to you to understand the same properly so that no confusion gets created. It is also suggested to you to make sure that the problem in your phone is not due to a hardware fault. This is important because this guide on common Nokia 9 PureView problems works perfectly against the minor software problems and glitches only. Check the methods now.

Connectivity problems

Some problems including the phone connectivity directly impact the overall performance and ability of a smartphone. Thus, it becomes mandatory for the users to take the actions immediately. Below are the two connectivity-related common Nokia 9 PureView problems and their solutions that can be trusted by you.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • If your smartphone battery is less than 20% or if the same is operating in the power saving mode, the same can be the reason of this problem
  • A security glitch or another reason related to the same might have turned ON the safe mode on your phone in which the Bluetooth may not always necessary to operate reliably
  • Sometimes skipping some steps to connect both the devices together might be the reason to this problem. Check
  • Make sure your phone’s default Bluetooth drivers and the antenna are working in their true state
  • There are certain chances that the actual problem has been created due to a hardware fault in the phone
  • It is necessary to clean the cache data from your phone else it may affect the Bluetooth working in the long run
  • It is recommended to you to not to send a lot of files in one go which is often the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that your smartphone default Bluetooth settings have been changed and the same is causing the problem
  • Check if this problem is there just because the visibility of any of the device is hidden
  • The problem might have its origin related in the other gadget you are trying to connect your phone with
  • There are chances that the Bluetooth user policies are getting violated while you use the phone. Check the same
  • Make sure you are not exchanging a data type which is not supported by both or any of the smartphones
  • Sometimes the basic errors related with the pairing of the phones can cause this problem
  • A simple restart might be enough to solve this problem. Try the same and check again

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • Do check if the router you are using to access the internet is not in proper working condition or if there is a bug related with its installation
  • Make sure the router is not placed far away from the phone
  • Do check if the bandwidth limit in your connection has reached its limit and the internet services have been restricted or shut down due to the very same reason
  • Sometimes the problem arrives when the default network settings of the phone are changed by the users. Check and restore them
  • Make sure you are not using a proxy server in the network settings which is another possible reason to this problem
  • Do check if a simple restart can help you to solve this problem
  • There are chances that you might be facing this problem just because of entering an outdated password in the phone to connect it with the internet
  • Sometimes when the internet speed is too slow or when the app/web address you are opening is not working, this problem is observed
  • Make sure the screen sharing option is turned OFF and no apps that can access the Wi-Fi feature are running in the background
  • The problem might be there just because you changed the LAN settings or disabled the security of the network
  • Make sure there are no additional restrictions imposed on the network with which you are trying to connect your device
  • There are chances that the Wi-Fi problems are there just because you haven’t connected the phone with the internet properly
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings and forget the connection. Add it once again and check if the problem is solved
  • Make sure that the router you are using is able to allow more devices to connect with the network. Check if its limit has been reached

Apps not working properly

  • Make sure all the apps in your phone have been installed from the Play Store only and not from the other sources
  • Update all the apps whenever a new version is notified to you
  • Make sure no features of your phone are manually turned OFF as they can largely have an impact on the overall performance and functionality of the apps
  • Do check if you have denied the permission to any of the apps to access the phone data in case the same was asked to you just after the installation of the app. The same can be the reason to this problem
  • There are chances that your phone is activated in the safe mode which usually disables the phone apps
  • Make sure the apps are installed only in the default storage space of the phone and not in any other location which is third-party
  • There are chances that the apps have not been installed/updated properly. Check. It is recommended to you to restart your phone after installing new apps to let the new changes take place effectively
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a problem related with its Operating System. The improper behavior of multiple apps can be due to the very same reason
  • Remove the concerned app which is causing the problem. Install the same once again and check if this helps you to solve the problem
  • Reboot your phone and check if the things are back on track
  • Make sure your device is not having a hardware problem in it
  • Check if the SIM on which 4G internet connection is active is inserted in the first Slot. It may not work if inserted in the second
  • Close all the apps running and restart the phone. Check if the problem is gone
  • If you are at a remote location, the signal strength may vary due to the same reason
  • Make sure the SIM card which you are using is having all the services applicable/running on the same
  • There are chances that the actual problem is there just because you haven’t restart your phone for a long time. Try it now
  • In case the phone bootloader has been unlocked by you manually, the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Check the working of the signal antenna and make sure it is not having something wrong with the same
  • You need to make it sure that the problem is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with its SIM tray. Check the same
  • There are chances that the SIM card access is restricted or denied by the phone just because you have locked it with a security key
  • The problem might be there just because you have turned ON the Airplane mode on your phone
  • Check in case you mistakenly turned OFF the SIM card in the settings
  • The selection mode for the network should always be kept on automatic and not on the custom mode
  • You simply need to make sure that the actual problem is not there just because the services have been suspended from your SIM card

Overheating problems

  • Make sure the problem is not there just because of overcharging your phone
  • There are certain chances of an OS glitch or the presence of a virus in your gadget. Check the same
  • Make sure the problem which you are facing is not there just because the phone is running in the safe mode
  • The overheating of the hardware occurs when the excess heat released inside get trapped in the phone
  • The failure of s specific hardware in the phone or when the RAM is overburden, this problem can occur due to the very same reason
  • Check if this problem is there just because you haven’t clean the cache data of the apps. The same can also be a reason to this problem
  • Make sure no external device is attached with the phone through any of the mediums
  • There are chances that the problem is there just because the phone is made to run in the custom settings
  • Check and make sure the presence of a virus in the default memory of your phone has not triggered this problem
  • Restrict the use of power bank and other accessories with your phone which are not supported by it
  • One of the overheating-related reasons to the common Nokia 9 PureView problems is nothing but a hardware fault in the battery

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Check if the earpiece is in working condition. Sometimes even a brand new product can have a problem associated with the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there due to compatibility related reason or due to improper connection of the earpiece and the phone
  • The problem could be there in the earpiece connector of your phone. Check and take the action required
  • There are chances that the phone sounds have been manually turned OFF by you. check the same
  • One of the reasons to the robotic sounds in the earpiece is nothing but a liquid damage caused to the same
  • You need to be very careful about the viruses that may enter the phone and can affect the working of drivers
  • Make sure the phone sound card is not having any problem associated with the same
  • Do check and make sure if this problem has been created just because your phone is not everything OK with the hardware
  • Check the quality of the music you are playing. The same might be the reason to the robotic sound in the earpiece
  • Check and make sure the dust and debris is not causing this problem
  • The earpiece must be purchased from an authorized manufacturer
  • Check and make sure your phone camera is not facing any problem just because of a glitch which is originated in the OS
  • It is not at all a surprising fact the problem has been caused just because you are using a third-party application to use the phone camera
  • The camera lens should be cleaned properly and gently to make sure the dust is not the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when you use the zoom feature
  • Check and make sure that the phone remains totally still when you are capturing the images or the videos.
  • Open the camera settings and turn ON HDR mode in the same
  • Check if not installing the latest available updates in your phone is the reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure that the pixel density selection of the captured pictures in the camera settings is not low
  • There are chances that your Nokia 9 PureView is running out of the storage space and the same is causing this problem
  • The pre-installed screen guard should be removed from the same as the same can be the reason to this problem
  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual problem has not been caused just because you are capturing the pictures in the burst mode

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Wait if the phone is downloading and installing the updates for the apps. The same can be the reason to this problem
  • Check and make sure the battery in the phone is working properly and is not having anything wrong with the same
  • It is always recommended to keep the mobile data OFF whenever you don’t need the same
  • Make sure not to run so many apps at the same time when there is no need of the same
  • The problem could be there just because your phone is not having the latest changes taken place after installing the new updates for the OS or for the apps
  • Make sure the charger which you are using is not causing this problem
  • Sometimes this problem arrives just because of enhancing the screen brightness beyond a limit
  • There are certain chances that the charging port in your Nokia 9 PureView has something wrong with the same
  • Make sure the GPS and hot spot are not running in the background
  • This problem might be there just because you have allowed all the apps to send notifications to you
  • There are certain chances that the actual problem has been created in your phone just because you are using some pirated accessories with it

Slow Performance

  • Turn OFF all the features which are turned ON and check if this saves the problem
  • Turn OFF the mobile data for sometimes and check if the performance of the phone has shown some improvement
  • Make sure all the apps installed in the phone are working in the default settings
  • Check and install the latest available updates released for the apps. Probably this can help you to solve all the problems related with the phone performance
  • Do check if this problem is there just because any of the application in the phone has been installed forcefully by changing the phone settings or the settings of the app
  • Make sure you haven’t installed a custom ROM in your phone which can largely affect the performance of the same
  • All the files which have not been used for a long time should be erased
  • There are chances that this problem is there just because of a virus presence in the phone
  • One of the reasons to the performance-related common Nokia 9 PureView problems is nothing but not cleaning the cache data of the apps
  • Slow performance could be due to not restarting the phone for a long time. Try it now and check if the problem is gone
  • Make sure this problem is not there just because your phone is suffering from a problem which is related with the RAM
  • Close all the apps running in the background and check if the things are now OK

Screen not working properly

  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not there just because the screen sharing option is turned ON by you
  • Do check and make sure your phone is not having a problem with its OS which is affecting the screen functioning
  • If the screen brightness is also fluctuating when you are experiencing this problem, the same might be due to a short circuit inside
  • Make sure the screen of your gadget is not having a physical damage on the same which can cause this problem
  • Clean the screen against the oil and grease particles which often get deposited on it and largely affect the working of the same
  • In case the phone storage is almost full, erase some data which you no longer need
  • Try removing the last application installed by you on your phone and check if the same was causing this problem
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a serious technical glitch related either with the OS or with the hardware
  • Make sure to clean your hands and to remove the mittens in case you wear the same
  • Perform a force restart and check if the same solve this problem in your phone

The common Nokia 9 PureView problems listed in this post are useful for the long run. You can avoid a number of bugs and glitches from your phone with the help of this post. If more information is required, go ahead and post a comment below.