The overall number of smartphone users has been increased up to an excellent extent in the past years. Introduction of some amazing features in the modern smartphones have attracted the attention of many in actual sense. The fact is manufacturers have started a war with each other in order to come out with the features in the gadgets that no one can actually expect. This is the reason why we have some phones with us which are best enough to be trusted for performing any task. Well, you need not to worry about anything when it comes to investing on them. There are actually many options you can explore and one among them is the Meizu. They have recently introduced the 15 plus model and it has been known to grab the attention of many already planned to switch their phone. It actually gives you enough reason to invest on it and the best part is you can easily keep up the pace with this gadget when it comes to fulfilling your expectations. In the below section of this post, you can check for some of the very useful information on the common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes.

Problem formulation is something which needs users to pay attention to some of the important facts. It is not always necessary that the users can have favorable results in the first attempt. Therefore, it is vital for you to follow all the steps mentioned in this post against the problem you are trying to solve. It must be kept in mind that the problems which have been discussed in this post are not there in the phone just because of negligence of the manufacturer. The fact is these issues are due to bugs in the Android technology. However, the good thing is it is possible for the users to simply troubleshoot them in no time. The information about the common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes is spotlighted below.

It must be kept in mind that these issues are not very complex and there is nothing to worry about when it comes to dealing them. They haven’t been reported by a very large number of users in this phone till date.

Common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes

Always follow the instructions as they are mentioned in this post. Don’t try to mold or change them. This can actually bring additional problems and cannot be held responsible for the same.

Earpiece sounds Robotic (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

This problem hasn’t been reported by a large number of users in the phone till date. However, in case it is present in the one you own, go ahead with the below instructions.

  • Make sure to invest on quality earpiece only
  • Check for a physical damage on the earpiece
  • Check whether the earphone connector is working fine and there are sound drivers installed on the phone
  • Perform a hard reset on the phone

Doesn’t recognize Windows 10 (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

This is a problem that has no real or exact reason in most of the cases. Avery large numbers of things are there on which the functionality of a PC and a smartphone depends. You can have the desired results against the problems you are facing through below instructions.

  • Check whether Windows installed on the PC is genuine or not
  • Check if the USB drivers need to be updated. You may need to do this immediately
  • The connecting cable you have used are in good working condition
  • May be the connectors are not in working condition
  • Check the compatibility of the cable
  • Select the MTS mode after connecting the PC with phone
  • Make sure the data you are transferring is not affected with the virus
  • May be the Operating system needs to be updated to a new version
  • Remove all the restrictions imposed on the connections from the settings
  • Make sure the connection has actually created
  • Simply restart the PC
  • If the device doesn’t detect the phone automatically, select it manually

Connectivity issues

With the rising demand of data apps in the modern world, the need of data exchange and sharing the stuff is also blooming. Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are meant for the same purpose and are actually the amazing features. If they are not performing well, you can rely on the methods as well as on the instructions mentioned below.

Bluetooth connectivity issues (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

  • Make sure the data you are transferring is not affected with the virus
  • Check if the other device have  a Bluetooth version which is compatible with your device
  • Check the history of devices connected and erase a few names
  • May be the visibility of the Bluetooth connection has been set to hidden on either of the device
  • Don’t violate the security policies of the phone while transferring the data
  • Pair the device properly and enter the pass code properly if it appears
  • If there are other apps installed in your phone for data transferring, make sure they are not running in the background at the same time
  • Clear the cache memory of the Bluetooth app installed on your phone
  • Disable the power saving mode on the phone
  • Simply perform a basic reboot on both the devices
  • Make sure you are not using a outdated Bluetooth version in your phone
  • Check if the phone doesn’t have Bluetooth drivers installed or is causing the problem due to a bug in the same

Wi-Fi connectivity issues (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

  • Restart both the devices and i.e. your phone and the Router
  • Make sure the password you enter to connect the device with the Wi-Fi is correct
  • Check if the problem is due to faulty Wi-Fi antenna on the router
  • Simply choose to forget the connection and then add it again
  • Make sure you are standing in the range covered by the Wi-Fi router
  • Don’t allow so many devices to connect to your Wi-Fi router
  • Refresh the Wi-Fi router
  • Make sure the Wi-Fi drivers are installed properly
  • May be the services are not valid or active on the connection
  • You might have consumed entire bandwidth already. Check if the problem is due to this reason
  • Call an expert for the advice

Bad camera quality

The cameras on this phone are of excellent quality and you can always make sure of quality snaps. There are reasons due to which the quality can go down and to make sure your phone doesn’t face any issue due to them, you can consider the below instructions

  • Focus on the object prior to capturing the snaps. Make it a habit and this will help you to boost the picture quality significantly
  • Check if the camera lens needs cleanliness
  • Simply perform a basic reboot to check if the problem is solved
  • Don’t prefer any other app for opening camera than the default camera app
  • Clean the cache memory of the camera app from the settings
  • Open Camera Settings and select the HD mode from there
  • Make sure you are no opening the camera through a third-party app which is not meant to capture snaps actually such as opening camera through Paytm, Whatsapp and so on
  • The default memory of the phone might be full and this can also be a reason to this problem. Check it out
  • Select the camera shooting mode as per the nearby conditions or preference
  • Turn ON the flashlight before capturing the snaps

Quick Battery draining & slow charging

For those running low on battery performance, performing some important tasks is always a challenge. This is actually an issue that can limit the phone on performing the tasks that can easily be performed on other devices. Therefore you should take the appropriate actions. Check out below what can be done against this problem.

  • If the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned ON, disable them for the time being
  • Restart your phone and make sure it hasn’t been running in the safe mode
  • While downloading the files, make sure to prefer the Wi-Fi connection I available than the mobile data in case the files are too large in size
  • Check which apps in the phone are putting extra burden on the battery. Uninstall them temporarily from the phone
  • Make sure all the installed application in your Meizu 15 plus are updated to the latest version
  • Don’t use a power bank or a charger that doesn’t match the power requirements of your device
  • Avoid using other accessories too which are of low quality
  • Check if the power socket, charging cable and the cable connector are in proper working condition or not
  • Don’t allow the application to run in the background when you are done with them
  • If you often play games on your device, make sure to installed the ones which are compatible with the phone

Unexpected behavior of the apps

This is actually a basic problem which you can avoid by following the below instructions in a very easy manner.

  • Update all the applications first of all
  • Make sure the phone default memory doesn’t have a virus present in them
  • Check if the Android Web View needs to be updated
  • Don’t allow so many applications to run in the background
  • Remove the apps installed from the third party sources
  • Make sure to install the application in the default memory and not in the SD card

Most of the problems with the SIM card arrive due to reasons that are actually related with the SIM card itself and not with the phone. Keep this thing in mind and go ahead simply with below methods to help you troubleshoot the SIM card problems.

  • Open the SIM settings and check whether the SIM card is turned off
  • Select the network manually from the network selection option in the phone
  • Make sure you haven’t forget to disable the airplane mode which you activated recently
  • May be the SIM card doesn’t have the services active on it. Check this if it is not used for a long time or you haven’t placed or received a call through it
  • Perform a basic reboot and check the problem’s status
  • The poor or bad strength of the signal might be causing this issue in your phone
  • The networks signals are often low or not proper in the basements. Keep this thing in your mind
  • Check and make sure there are no compatibility problems in the phone and the SIM which are actually causing this problem.
  • Insert the SIM card properly for its proper functionality and results

Overheating problems (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

Well, one thing which you as a user of this Smartphone should keep in mind that this problems can have reasons that can be beyond the imagination of yours. It would therefore be good to follow all the below mentioned instructions when it comes to dealing with this issue

  • Make sure not to download the files if they are bulky from the mobile data. Prefer Wi-Fi for the same
  • Make sure not to charge your phone beyond a limit. Turn OFF the charger once it is 85% charged
  • Make sure your phones doesn’t have a diverse array of apps installed in it
  • Always prefer default memory of the phone when it comes to installing the applications
  • Block the installation of application from the unreliable and other sources that phone couldn’t trust in the first attempt
  • May be there are a lot of features which you have turned ON without having the use of same for the particular time
  • Check whether the heat is dissipating properly from the phone. The problem could be due to the very same reason as well
  • Remove the back cover from the phone if you haven’t removed it for a long time. This can sometime cause this problem
  • Take your phone in the safe mode and check if the issue is resolved
  • Accessories which are not up to the mark up to the standards set by the manufacturer

Unresponsive Touchscreen (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

The screen related problem can be there in the phone due to reasons associated with the applications as well. Therefore you should pay extreme attention to each and every step mentioned below to help you in this matter.

  • Make sure no liquid damage has caused to the phone
  • Handle the screen properly and open the Safe mode in it. Check if the problem is still there
  • Make sure to perform screen cleanliness in case the problem is there
  • Check if there is any hardware damage anywhere on the screen
  • Turn OFF the screen sharing option in case it is enabled
  • Check if the phone OS is having a new version available to update
  • Make sure you haven’t installed a Custom ROM recently on the phone
  • Clean hands properly, remove gloves and mittens if you are wearing them already
  • If the phone memory is full, erase some data from the same
  • Make sure you are not using the phone while charging it
  • The problem could be due to application which are not functioning well

Performance issues (common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes)

There is nothing wrong to say that performance always matters and it is very necessary for phones to maintain the same. All the gadgets have an effect of different factors on them due to which the performance often goes down. To make sure it will always remains up, you can follow the below instructions.

  • Before doing anything else, proceed with a simple restart and you can have the things back on track for sure.
  • May be the device memory is completely filled with the data. Erase a few if this is the case
  • Don’t share your Wi-Fi hot spot with multiple users at the same time
  • Don’t use mobile data for downloading the large size files
  • Update all the apps which are pending and make sure you install apps from the trusted sources and platforms
  • Check if the apps need a cache clear
  • Don’t keep multiple files in the download folder in your phone
  • There might be blocked apps causing this problem
  • You need to make sure there is no hardware glitch due to which you are facing this problem

For more information about this topic or to know more about the common Meizu 15 Plus problems and fixes, you can simply post a comment below. Stay tuned to our website for similar posts.