Smartphones are required all the time in the present scenario. There is hardly any moment when the need of the same is not felt. Everyone wants to own the most stylish and powerful phones because of the same reason. Actually, smartphone reflects standards, professionalism, status and what not. Thus they are the best available gadgets that everyone loves to own. However, there are certain factors that make the selection a daunting process for many who are interested in buying a gadget like this. The biggest problem is to know whether the smartphone is having any common problems associated with the same. It is true that some issues are common with almost all the phones, however, this doesn’t mean they should be neglected. In this post, the solutions to the common LG G8 ThinQ problems have been provided.

As already mentioned, the common problems are not the reason to neglect a smartphone. This is because they can easily be fixed. You can do-it-yourself and that only needs you to pay attention to some basic steps. However, this is not an an easy job. You first need to explore and understand the true problem caused to the smartphone. In some cases, you may find it difficult to avoid the common LG G8 ThinQ problems. This is because some software issues reflect themselves as hardware problems. This often confuses the users and they end up causing an additional problem in the phone.

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How to assure additional problems wouldn’t be there?

Well, for this, the first and the most important rule is to follow this guide accurately and professionally. You may not always be right if you think you can achieve better results than any method which is mentioned in this post. Therefore, molding is one of the major reasons that cause additional issues in the phone if you do it while applying any method. In fact, more than 80% of users face the additional problem because of the very same reason. Thus you should be very careful about the same. takes no responsibility for anything that seems unfavorable after applying the methods mentioned in this post. Now when it comes to dealing with the common LG G8 ThinQ problems, here is everything that you should know.

Common LG G8 ThinQ Problems and Fixes

All the methods you find in this post are tested. Therefore, you can go ahead with them. It is to be kept in mind that they work better for the software issues than the ones which are related with the core components of the phone. Thus, if you are sure the phone is having a hardware problem, you should proceed with professional support or for the technical support at an authorized center for phone service by LG. the software related common LG G8 ThinQ problems can easily be fixed with the help of this guide. You can go ahead now to avoid them all from your phone. Here is the list with the solutions.

Connectivity Problems

These are the problems that can be kept in other categories as well than connectivity problems. This is because they usually affect the other features of a phone. Check them out below.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • It is necessary that other devices should have access to your phone Bluetooth. Therefore, the restrictions should not be imposed on your phone as they can create the trouble
  • Next reason to this problem is hiding the visibility of the Bluetooth connection which is a common cause by many users
  • Make sure you enter the pass-code correctly when you pair the devices for the very first time. Do check if there are other pairing related issues causing the trouble
  • Sometimes the problem is caused just because the phone battery is below 10% or when the power saving mode is turned ON
  • Do check if your device and the other complete all the eligibility for using its Bluetooth. Sometimes the security policies violation can stop it to perform
  • There are certain chances that the actual fault is caused due to running the phone in the safe mode. Disable it and the Bluetooth will probably start working again
  • There are chances that the problem is caused in the phone just because there is a bug in the default Bluetooth driver or in the phone OS. To fix the same, you need to install the latest updates in the phone
  • In certain cases, the problem arrives only when the users really don’t pay attention to the phone virus. Check and remove them. They can stop the Bluetooth to work
  • Make sure the actual problem is not present in the other device you are trying to connect
  • The Bluetooth version might not be compatible between the two phones. Check if this is the reason you have to face the problem
  • There are chances that the actual fault is caused due to running the phone without clearing its cache data for a long time

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • A limited or a weak signal can be the reason you are facing this problem. Check if the router is placed at a central location or not
  • Sometimes the users disable the LAN connection on their network and face the problem due to the very same reason
  • Make sure you haven’t installed a custom ROM in the phone. This can sometimes be a reason to the problem
  • The fault might be related with the configuration error with the router or if the same is installed in an improper manner
  • The Wi-Fi password you are entering in the device might be incorrect. Check if the password is in Upper or in Lower case
  • The reason to this problem is a bug in the Wi-Fi drivers in the phone
  • Check if the service provider has stopped its services or if the problem is caused just because the domain you are opening is down
  • Do check if the application you are opening is not working and the same is being confused as the Wi-Fi problem in the phone
  • The problem can be solved upon a simple reboot to the router and the phone. Try it
  • Open the Wi-Fi settings in the phone and forget the connection. Now restart the phone and add it again. This can probably help in fixing the issue
  • The consumption of the entire bandwidth on your connection can be a reason to this problem
  • The actual fault might be there in the Wi-Fi signal antenna of the phone
  • There are chances that a security-related reason wither with the network or with the phone is not allowing you to use the Wi-Fi/internet on your phone
  • Check if the network you are connecting is no longer having access to the internet

Slow Performance

  • You always need to make sure that the phone apps are in healthy working condition and are not responsible for the slow performance
  • Installing the latest updates for the phone can automatically fix this problem. try the same
  • Make sure the problem is not caused due to running your phone in the safe mode or in the power saving mode which can limit its performance
  • The phone features should not be disabled manually. they can have an impact on the overall performance of your gadget
  • This problem can be realized by the users when they install so many apps in the phone. In case you have more needs for the same, prefer the light versions for a few
  • The phone RAM might be overloaded or it is having a fault in the same. Get the device checked
  • The installation of bad apps in the phone or an OS bug can cause the slow performance. Check the same
  • The actual reason you are facing this problem is not more storage space in the phone. Erase some data in such a case
  • Make sure your phone is not suffering from a hardware fault that can stop it to perform well
  • The reason you are facing this issue is nothing but a virus in your device. Check the same
  • A hardware reset to your LG G8 ThinQ can fix this issue. Try the same after saving your phone data

SIM/Network problems

  • Make sure the signal strength is not low. It can happen when you are in a basement or at any location where the services of the network provider are not available
  • The reason to this problem is nothing but a fault in the signal antenna of the phone. Check the same
  • The SIM card might be corroded or is having stains on the same. Get it replaced in such a case
  • Make sure the fault is not caused just because the SIM card is manually turned OFF
  • The problem can declare its presence in case you don’t turn ON the roaming services on your gadget while going away
  • There are chances the SIM slot is having something wrong with the same
  • The reason you are facing this problem is not inserting the SIM card in the phone correctly
  • One of the common reasons to this problem is a faulty SIM card. Make sure the same is not causing the trouble
  • Do check if this problem is caused after selecting the network manually. Always keep the selection mode for the same to automatic
  • There are chances that the fault is caused just because your device doesn’t support the specific frequency on which the SIM operates
  • There are chances that the fault is there just because the internet-enabled SIM card is inserted in the second slot when the first is empty
  • The phone bootloader should not be unlocked as the same can cause this problem in your phone

Poor Camera Quality

  • This can happen upon turning ON the power saving mode on the phone or when the battery is not charged sufficiency
  • Do check and make sure the finger marks on the lens are not creating the trouble
  • Avoid capturing the images in the burst mode as the same can create trouble for you
  • One of the leading reason to this problem is using a third-party application on your device to access the camera
  • The OS bug in the phone can be a reason why you are unable to open the camera or having low-quality images
  • Images should be captured only in the high resolution
  • There are chances that the problem is present just because the lens is not given enough time for the image stabilization
  • The shooting mode selected might be causing the trouble. Check the same
  • There are chances that the fault is caused just because you are using the camera zoom feature
  • Check and make sure this problem is not there due to a bad camera. Check the hardware fault related with the same
  • One of the common LG G8 ThinQ problems which are related with the camera is nothing but the lack of visibility around you
  • The phone camera might not be running well due to moisture around the same. check
  • There are chances that the fault is there just because the pre-installed transparent glass guard on the screen is not removed by you

Screen not functioning properly

  • The problem might be there due to installing some apps which are not supported by the phone. Check the same
  • Make sure the phone memory is not completely filled with data
  • Do check and make sure if the actual fault is related with the phone Operating System
  • Certain factors are there which can disable the screen sensors and cause this problem
  • Make sure the actual fault is not caused just because the screen is having a lot of oil as well as grease particles deposited on the same
  • Many users complain about this problem in their phone just because they don’t pay attention to the phone virus which can affect screen the most
  • Do check if a force restart can help to solve this problem
  • Swipe the cache partition and if this doesn’t work, perform a software reset
  • This problem arrives in certain cases due to the installation of bad apps in the phone. Always prefer Play Store for new apps
  • Check if this fault is there just because of a physical damage on the screen
  • One of the major reasons to the screen related faults in the phone is overcharging the phone which should be avoided under all the situations

Apps not working properly

  • Make sure all the apps which you have installed on your LG G8 ThinQ are truly compatible with the same
  • The reason to this problem is a bug in the phone associated with its default software
  • Do check if the problem is there just because a phone virus is causing the trouble
  • Make sure all the installed apps are fully updated. If not, do it and check the status of the problem
  • The problem might be there in your internet connection which might be slow. Check it
  • One of the major reasons why apps are not behaving properly is nothing but installing them from other sources than Play Store
  • Check if the phone features are disabled. Also, make sure the apps are given various permission to access the phone data
  • Do check if the apps are not functioning smoothly just because the phone is running in the safe mode which usually disables all the apps
  • In case you installed an app in the third-party storage space, it can be the reason why unexpected behavior is experienced
  • You simply need to make sure the problem is not caused just because the phone is having something wrong with its RAM
  • Uninstall the apps which is not functioning properly and install it again in the phone. This method works in most of the cases. Try it

Overheating Problems

  • Games are generally held responsible for this fault in most of the cases. Check if your LG G8 ThinQ has many of them installed
  • Make sure the phone is not having something wrong with its battery or the charger you are using
  • The fault can also be there in the charging cable. Check the same
  • One of the major reason to the overheating problem is overcharging the device
  • There are chances that the heat ventilation system is either not working properly or has been failed completely. Check
  • The overheating is often caused by third-party apps, unused data in the phone and by the pirated accessories when used with the phone
  • Simply make sure the cache data of the apps is not doing this. Clean it and check
  • The problem can arrive in your device if you continuously download data in the device
  • Make sure the actual faulty is not there just because you didn’t restart your device for a long time. Do it and check
  • The problem might be caused in some cases when you change some recommended settings of the device. Check the same
  • Running a lot of apps in the background is one of the major reason that can cause overheating of the core hardware
  • Clean the device against malwares and viruses if they are detected in the phone

Slow Charging

  • In case you are using a charger that doesn’t come with your LG G8 ThinQ, you can face this issue
  • The phone and data synchronization should be stopped. It must not continue all the time
  • In case you are charging your device through a power bank, the same can be a reason of slow charging if it doesn’t match the power specifications of the phone
  • Do check and make sure the connecting cable is not the actual trouble creators
  • Sometimes the problem is there due to corrosion in the charging port or when it is having something wrong with the same
  • The slow charging can be fixed with a simple reboot. Try it
  • In case there is any data or apps in your phone which are not used for a long time period, the problem can arrive due to the very same reason
  • Check if the actual fault is there just because the data is getting downloaded in the phone while you are charging it
  • The overall charging speed can be influenced if you don’t clean the phone cache data
  • Make sure to update your phone as this can help solving the problem in many cases

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • This problem could be due to an incompatible earpiece or when the same is having its speakers damaged
  • Check if the moisture or a liquid damage is causing the trouble
  • Make sure the connection/pairing between the phone and the earpiece is proper and the same is not the reason to this problem
  • Sometimes users have to face this problem just because of running the phone in the safe mode
  • The sound drivers of your LG G8 ThinQ can have a problem with them
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault that is related with the earpiece connector
  • Check if the wire of the earpiece is having a physical damage on the same which is causing this issue
  • In certain cases, the users face this problem only during a phone call and this happens when the signal strength is too low
  • Check if the earpiece is not in proper working condition
  • You might be facing this problem just because the sound quality of the music file you are playing is low
  • The earpiece might be having debris or dust in the speakers. Clean the same
  • Selecting a wrong mode for the earpiece in the phone sound settings is another reason to this problem experienced by the users

Poor Battery Life

  • Set the screen brightness to automatic level. Setting it to the higher level can drain the battery too quickly
  • Don’t allow the apps to run in the background as they often put an additional burden to the battery
  • The battery of the phone might be damaged. Check the same
  • In case you are facing this trouble just after installing some apps, remove them and try
  • In some cases, the battery backup of the phone is influenced by the power hungry apps. Check the same
  • Make sure the actual fault is not there just because the notifications are continuously running in the background
  • Anything that wakes up the screen should be blocked or disable
  • The phone Wi-Fi or Bluetooth might be turned ON and they are searching for the devices nearby or trying to connect with them. This often speeds up the rate the charge comes out from the battery
  • Check if the problem is related with the OS. Update the same and check if this helps
  • You might be facing this problem just because the phone GPS is turned ON all the time
  • It is possible to deal with this issue with a software reset in some cases. Try the same
  • Check if the poor battery life is caused due to charging some original settings

It’s not necessary you face all these problems with your LG G8 ThinQ suddenly. For more information regarding the common LG G8 ThinQ problems and their solutions, you can approach us by posting a comment below.