Sometimes in life, turning the next page doesn’t work and we have to switch to a new chapter. It may seem difficult but it is always one of the best decisions in life. Well, there is a lot of struggle one need to face for doing so and people often look for the company of someone to divide the sorrows. As I always say, no one else than a smartphone can be the true friend of a person in the present scenario. Many of us already know the same. Smartphones are defining a lot of things in our life and possibly making them better in many ways. This is one of the strongest factors of the success the smartphone manufacturers have attained currently. Here in this post, the basic issues associated with one of the phones are highlighted. Check the common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems and their fixes.

This smartphone has already gathered attention beyond the expectations. Many other brands are facing a lot of competition from this gadget. The reasons are many for the same and the users can simply make sure of excellence after purchasing it. However, sometimes the basic problems often declare their presence with the smartphones and they usually affect the experience of the users. It is not necessary always that the manufacturers are responsible for these issues. Generally, these are the bugs associated with the software domain of the phone. Also, presently almost all the gadgets powered by Android technology are facing them. This post on the common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems and solutions let you deal with them if you are not finding any other guise which is good.

How this guide on common problems is better?

Most of the methods and the instruction you find in this post have been tested. They are simple yet very effective in building the desired outcomes. One of the best things is the users need not to worry about having detailed information about the working of both software and hardware of this gadget. The methods can be applied without going in much detail as well. Also, the sources of these methods are trustable and you can have results in no time. Moreover, you yourself can apply them without taking any additional help. This guide on the common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems is reliable and easy to understand as well.

Common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) Problems and Fixes

It’s already mentioned the methods highlighted in this post are easy. This really doesn’t mean you can mold them while applying them practically to avoid the problem in your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019). This is actually something that can put your gadget on the risk of having other problems in the same. Also, if you apply the methods by customizing them in your own way, cannot be blamed for any add-ons bugs you may face. Thus, understand the method properly post applying the same for the betterment of your smartphone. Check now all the information regarding the solutions to the common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems.

Connectivity Problems

These issues may seem simple but they may be daunting. Here are the solutions to two of the connectivity related common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Make sure first that the actual glitch is not related with the other smartphone you are trying to connect your own phone
  • Check and make sure there are no communication and other restrictions imposed on the phone that can affect its data-exchanging ability
  • Sometimes when the storage space in the receiving device is not available, this problem declare its presence
  • You simply need to make sure that the presence of a virus or anything which is causing a threat to the security of the phone is not responsible for this problem
  • Check if there is a pairing related problem between the phones which is causing this issue
  • Open the Bluetooth settings and clear the history. This may solve the problem
  • There are chances that the version of the Bluetooth on both the gadgets may not support the other
  • Check and make sure the visibility of your phone Bluetooth is set to be visible to all the nearby gadgets
  • Exceeding the data size in one go while exchanging the data through the Bluetooth can be another possible reason to this issue
  • Clear the cache data of the installed apps in your phone and check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances that your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) is having something wrong with the Bluetooth drivers installed
  • The installation of the third party apps in your phone can also stop the working of Bluetooth completely
  • This can be a temporary problem and can be solved by restarting your phone. Try it
  • Do check if the problem is there just because you have made any custom changes in the Bluetooth settings
  • Update your smartphone to a newly available version/patch of OS as this can probably solve the Bluetooth bugs

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • First, check if you are facing this problem just because your Wi-Fi router is not installed or configured properly. Many bugs related with the same can influence the working of the Wi-Fi
  • Check if the internet link is not disabled by your own mistake or by the network provider due to any of the possible reason
  • There are chances that the problem is related with the signal strength which might be weak. Place the router at a location which covers the maximum area
  • This problem can be solved upon a basic reboot to the Huawei Y7 Pro (2019). Try it
  • Make sure the actual problem is not associated with a third-party reason such as the domain which you are opening has been restricted or disabled
  • There are chances that the problem is actually related with the Wi-Fi antenna in your smartphone which might be having anything wrong with it
  • Sometimes a hardware problem related with any of the components in the phone can stop the Wi-Fi
  • Do check if the security of the Wi-Fi connection you are trying to connect your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) with has been disabled
  • Make sure not to make any changes to the recommended/default LAN settings as this can be another reason to the problem
  • Your internet connection might have a limit on the daily usage which gets renewed post 24 hours. Crossing the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Do check if the upper limit on connecting the devices with the network has already been reached
  • In case you are downloading a lot of data from the websites which are restricted, you can face this issue
  • Make sure the network connection has its firewalled turned ON and the same is not causing this problem

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • Check if the screen brightness level has been enhanced beyond a limit and the same is draining the battery too quickly
  • The slow charging of your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) might be due to a faulty charger or when there is a problem with the charging port of the phone
  • Make sure the features of the phone such as Wi-Fi hot spot, GPS, camera flashlight and screen sharing are not turned ON when they are not in use
  • There are chances that the device might be updating the apps in the background and the same is causing this problem
  • Do check the overall health of your phone battery. There are certain things that can go wrong with the same and can become the reason to this problem
  • Try a simple reboot and check if the problem is gone
  • There are chances that your smartphone is infected with a virus. Check the same
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you installed a custom ROM or multiple third-party apps in the phone
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users prefer the third-party accessories with the phone than the ones which are genuine and authorized
  • The problem might be there just because notifications from the apps are waking the screen again and again
  • Prefer not to make calls and keep the mobile data OFF while charging your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019)
  • Do check if this problem has been caused just because the variant of the Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) owned by you doesn’t officially support the services of the network provider
  • Make sure not to install a customized firmware or an update that is not for the variant of Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) you own
  • Check if the improper insertion of the SIM card is causing this problem. This can be solved by removing it and again inserting in the phone
  • Check the SIM tray and the SIM slot and make sure there is no physical damage on the same. check it on the SIM card as well
  • If the SIM card is locked with a password, you simply need to disable/remove the same
  • Check if the problem is there just because the 4G internet enabled SIM card has not been inserted in the SIM Slot 1
  • You might turn the Airplane mode in your phone and has not turned it OFF till now. Check
  • Open the SIM and network settings and simply make sure that the network selection mode is set to automatic mode
  • There are chances that your smartphone is not having a problem which is associated with the signal antenna
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the SIM card is not used for a long time and the services are no longer active on the same
  • Check if your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) is facing this issue just because you are in a basement or at a location where the signal strength is not proper

Apps not working properly

  • Check and make sure all the apps in your phone are installed from the Play Store only
  • The customization to the settings of the apps can cause this problem for sure. Try avoiding them up to the possible extent
  • Make sure your phone is not having a hardware problem or a software problem that can directly influence the working of all the installed apps
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the users really don’t pay attention to the notifications regarding the updating of the apps
  • Check and make sure the actual problem has not been caused in the phone just because you have turned OFF some of the features manually
  • Do check if there is a problem with your internet connection as this can affect the working of multiple apps in the phone at the same time
  • Try a simple restart and check if the problem is gone
  • Remove the concerned app which is causing the problem and install it again in the phone
  • Make sure the actual problem is not there just because the apps have been installed stored in a third-party location such as the micro SD card
  • There are chances that the problem is associated with the UI of the apps which is causing the problem
  • First, check if this problem is there just because the device screen guard installed don it by default has not been removed
  • Check if your smartphone doesn’t have the required storage space available in it
  • The low quality of the pictures might be caused by insufficient visibility. Select the most appropriate shooting mode and make sure the camera flashlight is turned ON
  • You might be capturing the images from a moving vehicle as this can largely influence the camera quality
  • One of the camera-related common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems is lack of cleanliness on the lens. Try the same and check if this solves the problem
  • The camera will probably give you best outputs when you will be preferring the official app to access it and not the third-party app
  • There are chances that your smartphone is not having the camera drivers in proper working condition
  • Check and make sure the HD mode is enabled in the camera settings and the pixel density selected for the captured images is not low
  • This problem might be there due to turning ON the burst mode in the settings
  • Do check if this problem is caused in your phone just of the bugs related with the OS. Install any pending update
  • Avoid using the Zoom feature when there is no need of the same

Overheating problems

  • If you are using a charger which doesn’t belong to your smartphone, the problem might be due to the same reason
  • Do check if the problem is there just because your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) is having a ventilation problem in the same
  • There are strong chances that the actual problem has been caused just because of your continuous towards the health of the phone battery
  • Do check the problem is not there just because of continuous data downloading in your phone
  • The usage of a power bank which is not having the similar ratings as per the manufacturer’s recommendations, the problem might be there due to the same reason
  • Check if the phone charger is not in proper working condition. Also, pay attention to the power source you mostly rely on for charging your gadget
  • You simply need to make sure that a virus infection is not responsible for this problem in your phone
  • There are chances that you have installed multiple third-party apps in the phone. Check and remove the same
  • The installation of the games Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) doesn’t support or can run smoothly is another possible reason to this problem
  • Restart the phone and check if the problem is gone
  • Make sure there is no hardware problem in your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) which can cause this issue

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Check and make sure the problem has not been caused just because you are using a third-party earpiece that Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) doesn’t support
  • The sound quality of the call due to a signal problem can cause this problem. Make sure you are not confusing the same
  • Check if the problem is actually related with the sound card in the phone or with the sound driver in your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019)
  • Make sure the actual problem has not been caused just because the earpiece you are using has a bend on the wire
  • The problems related with the pairing of the earpiece in case of a Bluetooth enabled product can be the reason to this issue
  • Do check if the phone sounds are disabled and you are confusing this problem with the same situation
  • Take not time in installing the latest updates whenever you are notified for the same
  • The problem might be there just because the earpiece is not in the working condition simply
  • Check if there is a moisture-damaged caused to the earpiece due to the human sweat and the same is the reason to the robotic sound
  • There are chances that you are playing a low-quality music file when you are facing this problem in your phone
  • An earpiece which is of low quality can start giving the robotic sound shortly after you start using it

Slow Performance

  • Do check if your phone has not been updated to the new OS version or a patch for a long time and the same is causing the problem
  • Make sure to check if this problem is there just because you dint updated the installed apps for a long time
  • The slow performance of the internet connection can be another reason which you are facing this problem
  • Do check if multitasking is taking place in your phone more than a limit
  • The slow performance might because by downloading the data in your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) continuously
  • Check if it is a very long time you when you cleaned the cache data of the apps installed in the phone and the same is causing this problem
  • The source of the apps should be restricted to Play Store only if you wish to keep up the pace with the performance of your phone
  • Do check the working condition of the RAM in your phone as it usually decides the performance level of the tasks assigned to the phone
  • If your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) is connected with another gadget through any mode, the same can be the reason to this problem
  • Perform a hard reset when the other methods are not bringing the favorable outcome but only after saving the data which you don’t wish to lose

Screen not working properly

  • Your phone might be having a software bug which is stopping the screen to perform its task properly. Check and take the action required
  • This problem is observed when the users don’t clean the screen of their gadget against the oil and grease particles
  • You simply need to make it sure that the actual reason behind this problem is not related with the accessories you are using with your phone
  • Do check if the storage space in the phone is limited as this can affect the performance and working of the screen up to a large extent
  • Sometimes this problem arrives only when the users fails to operate the screen in the recommended manner. The mittens and the gloves should be removed from the hands
  • There are chances that the screen is having an internal damage which is causing the interruption you are facing
  • Remove the last app you installed in your phone and check if this solves the problem
  • There are chances that your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) is having its power saving mode active on it
  • The problem might be related with the phone Operating System. Look for the traceable bugs and update it if a new version is there
  • Check if the screen of your Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) is shared with another gadget and the same is causing this problem
  • Perform a force restart to the phone and check if this solves the problem

This post on the solutions to the most common Huawei Y7 Pro (2019) problems simply makes sure of the wellness of your gadget. You can troubleshoot the problems associated with the software domain anytime you want through this guide. Keep visiting our website for other amazing posts on smartphone wellness and for all the latest news in the Android world.