Buying a brand new smartphone always brings a very cozy feeling. A phone is actually a device with which many people are attached emotionally. Therefore, they don’t compromise with their expectations and always want to own something very good for them. There are some amazing gadgets available in the markets for those who really don’t mind spending a few extra bucks. Google has just unveiled its next-generation smartphone and i.e. Pixel 3a. This smartphone is really stunning and has everything that can help you to fill your expectations. Being a much-awaited phone, it has attracted the attention of many. Check out the common Google Pixel 3a problems and how they can be rectified.

You really need not to worry about anything when it comes to purchasing this phone. If you are thinking why one should invest on a phone with a high price when it has some problems associated with the same, the fact you need to keep in your mind is these are not the major issues. In actual sense, such problems are there in almost every phone which is available in the market right now. These problems are generally caused due to compatibility reasons and therefore, it is easy to eliminate them from the phone. This post is all about how to fix the common Google Pixel 3a problems.

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These problems are often confused by the users with other issues which often make them think that there is a fault in their gadget. Having a major problem in a smartphone in its initial stage in rare. When it comes to Google, the same is almost not possible. Therefore, you can make your investment without worrying about the common Google Pixel 3a problems.

When these problems are experienced?

In most of the cases, they arrive when the users made changes to the recommended settings of the phone or don’t follow any recommendation of Google. There are certain things which users have to keep in their mind while using the phone. However, they often fail in this regard and face some basic bugs. To fix them, here is the information on the common Google Pixel 3a problems which you need.

Common Google Pixel 3a Problems and Fixes

It’s not necessary always true problems usually declare their presence in the phone just because of the reason mentioned above. There are other cases as well when the problems are reported by the users when they really don’t pay any attention on the updates. In addition to this, there are other situations when the users have to face problems not mentioned in this post. This happens upon changing or altering the methods while applying them to fix a specific problem. You must make it sure that such a scenario shouldn’t be followed. We at cannot help you in fixing any problem and cannot be held liable for the other problems you will have to experience because of not following this guide accurately.

Connectivity Problems

Without connecting the smartphones with other devices in the same or different class, it is almost impossible to get the best out from them. Thus, connectivity problems need to be troubleshooted. Here is how you can do this.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Make sure the Bluetooth is not turned OFF on any of the devices which are getting connected to each other
  • There are chances that the fault is there with the Bluetooth antenna of the device
  • Sometimes overheating stops the Bluetooth and other connectivity features in the phone. Check the same
  • Make sure the actual problem is not caused due to turning ON the safe mode on the phone
  • Clear the cache data and restart the device. This can definitely work in solving the issue
  • Open the primary Bluetooth settings and narrow the list of recently connected/paired devices with your phone. Restart it after doing so
  • Make sure the devices have been paired correctly to each other
  • Many users have to face Bluetooth problems just because the devices are not within the defined Bluetooth range
  • Check if the data you are exchanging is the actual trouble creator due to a different format or due to compatibility
  • Sharing large data through Bluetooth can sometimes cause the problem. The data should be divided into smaller fragments only
  • In some cases, the Bluetooth problems are caused by the OS bugs in the phone. You can fix them after installing the new updates
  • Make sure the actual fault in the phone has not arrived just because any hardware component is not performing its task. Check
  • Swipe the data partition and check if this helps in fixing this issue
  • In certain cases, the users have to face the Bluetooth issues due to hiding the phone visibility or changing the default Bluetooth settings
  • Incompatibility between the versions of the Bluetooth on the devices can be a reason to this fault
  • Perform a simple restart and check if this helps

Wi-Fi/Internet connectivity problems

  • Turn OFF the phone Wi-Fi and restart your phone. Check if this helps to solve the problem
  • One of the major reason to this problem is nothing but a fault with the phone Wi-Fi antenna or the antenna on your router
  • Make sure to place the router at a close or a central location
  • Sometimes the problem arrives only when the phone is not allowed to allow to exchange the data or when there are some restrictions on the same
  • This problem can be solved with a simple reboot
  • Make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your device is suffering from a hardware fault
  • Check and make sure the actual fault is not caused just because your device is having something wrong with the Wi-Fi drivers
  • In case the router has been installed recently, the same can have an error related to the same
  • Check and make sure the problem is not derived by a virus that can be there in your phone
  • Open network settings and check if the LAN settings have been changed
  • Make sure the browser which you are using is having everything OK with the same
  • The Wi-Fi or the internet might not be working due to the limited access on your connection
  • Check if the Wi-Fi password you enter is correct
  • There are chances that the network bandwidth limit has been exceeded
  • Check if the cable connection on the router is improper
  • This problem could be there just because the app which you are using is not operating properly
  • The internet connection might be having an issue with its security. Check

Slow Performance

  • Check the overall number of apps in your phone. Limit them as this can definitely make an impact on the performance
  • This problem can be solved simply by rebooting the phone
  • There are chances that the actual problem is caused due to a virus presence. Open the default memory and scan the same
  • The installed apps when are not in a proper working state can affect largely the overall working and performance of your device
  • It would be good to say not to Custom ROM as the same can be a reason you are facing this problem
  • The slow operating internet connection or an issue with the phone RAM should not be confused with slow performance
  • Check and make sure the games installed in the phone are not causing the slow performance
  • Sometimes this problem just because you don’t update the device OS
  • Make sure to check the third-party apps are not responsible for this fault under any situation
  • The reason to the slow performance of your Google Pixel 3a is nothing but changing the recommended settings of the device
  • Do check the slow performance is not caused just because your phone is having something wrong with some of the important drivers of the same
  • Prefer installing the light version for some apps and this will probably help you to boost the performance
  • A hard reset can help in dealing with this fault for sure

Earpiece Sounds Robotic

  • A basic restart to the phone can solve this problem. Try the same before taking any other action
  • Do check and make sure the actual fault is not caused just because of a liquid damage caused to the earpiece
  • If this problem arrives only when you make or receive a phone call, the signal strength might not be good or is having some noise in the same
  • The signal attenuation can be a reason to this problem which can happen due to a bend on the wire
  • One of the common Google Pixel 3a problems that can have a relation with the earpiece is quality. Check if the same is low
  • Make sure the improper connection is not the reason to this problem. Also, check if the same is loose
  • You might have selected a different sound output mode in the earpiece settings. This can give robotic sound
  • Make sure the quality of music or any file which you are playing is good
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a problem in the sound card or with the earpiece connector. Check the same

Screen not working properly

  • This problem can arrive just because of the failure of the screen sensor. Check them properly
  • One of the major reason to this problem is nothing but a lot of oil particles on the screen which doesn’t it properly
  • Make sure your phone memory is not completely filled. In case it is connected with another device through any mode, disconnect the same
  • The problem might be there just because your device is having its screen sharing option turned ON. Close and disconnect its screen from the third-party device and check
  • Make sure the phone is not having a hardware fault or a damage caused to its screen
  • In some cases, this problem is the result of covering your hands with mittens or with gloves
  • Check and make sure the phone OS is updated to the latest version
  • Check if there is a bad app in the phone which is causing this fault. At the same time, erase the data not used for a long time
  • Perform a force restart and check if this helps in solving the problem
  • You simply need to make sure that your device is not facing this problem just because of slow performance
  • There are chances that the actual fault is present in the phone screen drivers. Check them
  • If you are using a pirated accessory with your device, the same can be a reason to this problem

Poor Camera Quality

  • Check and make sure this problem is not there just because the app you use to access phone camera is a third-party one and is not compatible with the device
  • Do check and make sure you are not facing this problem due to not removing the transparent glass guard installed on the screen of the device when it is new
  • The pictures must always be captured in the high-resolution mode without changing the actual pixel density
  • Do check and make sure the problem is not caused just because your device is not charged more than 10 percent
  • Most of the camera problems related with the quality of the pictures are caused due to capturing them in the burst mode
  • You might be capturing the pictures from a moving object. The same can be a reason to this problem
  • Simply make sure the object should be focused properly through the image stabilization option. This can help getting quality pictures
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but a fault that is associated with the hardware inside
  • Sometimes the basic bugs which are associated with the OS can be held responsible for this fault
  • Do check and make sure the actual problem is not there just because you use the camera zoom feature
  • Clean the camera lens and check if this helps you in solving the actual problem
  • The actual reason to this problem is nothing but a fault with the camera itself

Apps not working properly

  • This problem could be there just because you haven’t rebooted your phone after installing a new application. Check if same is the reason
  • In case any application is installed in your Google Pixel 3a from any other source than Play Store, remove the same and check
  • You might be facing this problem just because the phone hardware is having a trouble associated with the same
  • Another reason to this problem is nothing but a virus in the phone. Check and clean the same
  • One of the leading reason to this problem is nothing but changing the recommended settings of your device
  • Do check and make sure the actual fault is not there just because you installed the apps in third-party storage space than in the phone default memory
  • Check and make sure the app which is creating the trouble is actually compatible with the Google Pixel 3a
  • You might be facing this problem just because of not giving the permissions to the apps to use your phone data
  • Make sure none of the features of your device is manually disabled. It can stop many apps to operate properly
  • Do check and make sure the problem is actually not associated with the phone software
  • Install the latest version of all the apps in your device and check if this helps in fixing the problem
  • You might be facing this problem just because the app causing the problem is having a bug in its coding

Slow Charging

  • Loading your device with a lot of data can be one of the reasons for the slow charging
  • The charger or the power source might be having something wrong with them. Check
  • The reason you are facing this problem is nothing but running a lot of apps in the background while charging the device
  • Gaming is another leading reason why some devices don’t charge properly and in the defined time frame
  • Check and make sure this problem is not caused just because the charging port on your Pixel 3a is having something wrong with it. Corrosion or the loose connection are the examples
  • The power cable which you are using might be weak
  • There are chances that the actual fault is there just because of a software issue. Installing the latest updates will probably fix this issue
  • Don’t make use of your phone for downloading the data or for placing the calls while charging it
  • You can face this problem just because of a fault that is associated with the battery. Check the same
  • Perform a basic restart and check if this helps to fix this problem

Overheating Problems

  • Make sure the actual reason to this problem is not a power bank which you use often with your device to charge the same
  • There are certain apps that are not designed for the Google Pixel 3a. Installing them release a lot of heat in the same and can cause this fault
  • One of the major reasons to this problem is nothing but a fault associated with the charger you are using. Check it properly
  • The phone ventilation system might not be functioning fully. Check and take the action required
  • Scan your device against the phone virus as the same can be a reason for this problem
  • Remove the last app installed by you and check if this makes a difference
  • The reason you have to face this problem is nothing but a fault with the battery of your phone. Check the same
  • The overheating can be caused by blocked apps in the phone or the data which is not used for a long time
  • You simply need to make sure the actual reason to this problem is not related with a third-party reason such as connecting the phone with the PC through a cable
  • In case a lot of apps are running, close them and reboot your device
  • The reason you are facing is overcharging. Avoid the same

Poor Battery Life

  • Check and make sure the actual problem is not with the battery itself. Perform a self-inspection test
  • Make sure the phone and the data synchronization is not turned ON
  • Simply control the screen brightness and set it to automatic mode. This will probably help in fixing this problem
  • The GPS, Google maps and other features often impose some extra burden on the phone battery. Close them
  • One of the reasons to this problem is nothing but installing the apps in the device which are power hungry
  • The notifications should not be allowed to run in the background. Unread notifications can cause this issue
  • Simply check and make sure the actual fault is not there just because your phone is having something wrong with the OS. Of course, a bug in the same can be a reason to this fault
  • The bad battery life is a problem which is there just because your device power settings have been customized. Check the same
  • The problem can be solved upon a simple restart. Try the same

SIM/Network Problems

  • Turn OFF the device and again turn it ON. Check if this brings the network back
  • Make sure the actual fault is not there just because the SIM card is manually turned OFF in the settings of your phone
  • The bootloader should not be unlocked. This can invite the updates which are for a different version
  • Make sure the version of the device you own is compatible with the SIM frequency
  • The services you are opening or accessing on the SIM might not be active. Check and confirm the same from the network provider
  • The services might be withdrawn from the SIM card. Check
  • You can face this problem just because the Airplane mode is turned ON. Disable it
  • The SIM card can have a physical damage on the same or if it has not been inserted correctly
  • Check and make sure the actual fault is not there just because your phone is running in the safe mode which can sometimes be a reason to this fault
  • Do check if the SIM access is restricted or is locked with a password
  • In case you are not using a 4G enabled SIM, the same can be a reason to this problem
  • Make sure the SIM card is not having scratches or stain on the same which can block the signal
  • Your SIM card needs roaming services to be activated on the same when you are travelling
  • Check if your present location is not having the proper coverage for the network

We are sure that all the common Google Pixel 3a problems will be gone after you carefully apply the methods listed above. If any other problem is experienced, let us know through the comment section below.