Entertainment is the only thing people usually look for when they have nothing to do. Presently, outdoor entertainment is not always necessary for one and all due to the reasons associated with life. It is true that fixed schedules and other restrictions don’t always allow us to go away and roam freely anytime we want. It is one of the strongest reasons why smartphones have become the best entertainers for people in the present time. The fact couldn’t be denied that nothing more than this device can actually entertain a person. Smartphones are really good these days and are powerful to let us keep up the pace in every aspect. One such smartphone is the Asus Zenfone Max M2 which recently got public attention. It is a wise option to consider. This post helps you to tackle the common Asus Zenfone Max M2 problems if you are facing them.

It is true that smartphones are really good as already mentioned. However, it’s the common problems that usually affect their performance and don’t let the users have the best experience with them. These problems can arrive anytime and there are mainly the basic Android bugs responsible for them. Other problems arrive due to the compatibility-related reasons between the software and the hardware. Well, it really doesn’t matter; this guide on the common Asus Zenfone Max M2 problems can simply be trusted to avoid them. You can have good results in no time simply by following this guide. Let us explore more information about this.

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Are these problems really common?

Actually, you can find them in most of the smartphones irrespective of the Android version and the manufacturer they have. They may not always declare their presence immediately after you purchase a gadget but with regular use there are certain chances of them. It is to be kept in mind that they have no fixed time to declare their presence and it actually depends on the way you use your phone. The best part is the solutions are available easily and it is not necessary always that you need external help unless the problem is related with the hardware. Here are the solutions to the common Asus Zenfone Max M2 problems you can proceed with.

Common Asus Zenfone Max M2 Problems and Fixes

Common problems in any smartphone usually make is terrible when the users don’t pay quick attention to the same. It is therefore relevant to take the suitable actions soon after the problems are reported or notified to you. Another important thing which is to be kept in mind is applying the methods for the troubleshooting wisely. You may face additional problems with them if you fail to maintain the originality or don’t apply them in the manner prescribed. www.getdroidtips.com cannot be held responsible for any issue that arrives due to the carelessness of the users. Check out now the common Asus Zenfone Max M2 problems and their fixes.

Connectivity problems

The two types of connectivity problems can be avoided from your Asus Zenfone Max M2 with the methods listed below.

Bluetooth connectivity problems

  • Your phone might have a major or a minor bug associated with the Operating system. If an update to the same is available or notified to you recently, install and check if the problem is gone
  • Make it sure that your phone is not having a virus or a malware in it. Devices infected with them couldn’t be connected with other gadgets due to security reasons
  • Check if all the things are up with the phone security and nothing is forcing it to get compromised which can stop the Bluetooth working
  • There are strong chances that the connection has not been established properly or have pairing issues
  • Check if you enter the pass-code correctly which appears on the screen of both the gadgets which are going to connected with each other for the very first time
  • In a few cases, this problem arrives when the users forget to turn OFF the power saving mode after enabling it
  • Check if not clearing the cache data of the applications installed in your Asus Zenfone Max M2 is causing this problem
  • Make sure there are no bugs in the default Bluetooth driver and the phone hardware including the Bluetooth antenna is in proper working condition
  • Failing to follow the Bluetooth policies meant of the users or violation of the same can be another reason to this problem
  • Check if a simple reboot solve this problem in the phone
  • The size of the data which you are sending or receiving might be too large to send through the Bluetooth
  • Avoid hiding the visibility of your Bluetooth connection and make sure the phone doesn’t have any restriction on the Bluetooth accessibility

Wi-Fi connectivity problems

  • The fault might be with the internet connection. Check if there are temporary conditions imposed on the services or they have been stopped
  • Sometimes the problems associated with the domains/web addresses are confused with the Wi-Fi problems. Check the list of websites your network provider has restricted the access to
  • There might be a problem with the security of the connection with which you are going to connect your Asus Zenfone Max M2
  • Make sure the problem is not there just because you are entering an old password in the phone to connect it with the Wi-Fi. Check if you recently changed your Wi-Fi password
  • Sometimes the problem usually come when the users turn ON features and run apps that need Wi-Fi access. Check and turn them OFF
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having a problem with the Wi-Fi antenna and the same is causing this problem
  • The problem might be present due to any of the possible glitches with the router you are using such as its limit to connect the devices with the network might have reached, errors with configuration, a wrong cable connection, placing it away from the central location and a manufacturing defect in it can cause this problem
  • Do check if this problem can be solved upon a simple restart to both the modem and the phone
  • There are chances that your network bandwidth limited has been crossed due to surfing/downloading a lot of data
  • Make sure the Local Area Network connection is secured and no changes have been made to it manually
  • The slow speed of the internet can cause this problem in some cases. Check the same
  • There are chances that your phone is having something wrong with the Wi-Fi default driver
  • This problem might be arriving due to selecting the low pixel density in the picture quality settings in the camera options. Check the same
  • Sometimes the low-quality images are stored in the phone just because the camera lens needs cleanliness or when the phone runs very low on the storage space
  • Make sure the burst mode in the phone is not active as this can cause the problem
  • There are chances that your smartphone is having something wrong with the OS which can cause various bugs with the camera app and quality
  • It is recommended to use the default camera pp only than using a third-party one which often degrades the picture quality
  • You need to make sure that your phone is not having something wrong with the camera button. Check the same
  • The object might not be focused on properly before clicking the picture. Doing this can help improving the quality
  • Don’t use the zoom feature to capture the nearby objects as it can really affect the quality of the pictures
  • There are chances that the shooting mode which is selected by you to capture the images is not relevant
  • Check if the visibility at your location is low and the same is causing this problem

Quick battery drainage and slow charging

  • The phone battery might not be in proper working condition and the same is causing this problem. Check
  • There are chances that the screen brightness is too high and the sensor to control the same automatically might have stopped working
  • Check if the phone charger is not responsible for this issue
  • Don’t trust all the power sources when it comes to charging your phone
  • An improper connection between the phone and the charger can cause this problem. also, check if the charging port on your Asus Zenfone Max M2 is having a problem with the same
  • There are chances that you have turned ON multiple features that consume from juice from the battery. some of these features are Wi-Fi hotspot and GPS
  • Make sure the problem has not been created just because multiple notifications are running and are waking the screen again and again
  • Do check if a simple restart is enough to deal with this problem
  • The slow charging might of your gadget might be due to using the phone for calling or for data downloading while charging the same
  • The mobile data should be turned OFF when you don’t need the same as this can solve this problem up to a good extent

Apps not working properly

  • Make sure your phone is not having an active hardware problem in any of the components which can cause the apps related bugs
  • Multiple apps when fails to operate is the clear indication of a software problem if all the other features are running properly in your phone
  • There are chances that you have installed the apps from the other sources than the Play Store
  • One of the apps-related common Asus Zenfone Max M2 problems is not updating them on time
  • The low operating internet connection might make you feel if your phone is having a problem with the apps installed in it
  • Check and make sure the apps are only installed in the default phone memory and not in any third-party storage location
  • The presence of a virus in your gadget can largely affect the working as well as the performance of the apps
  • Make sure you give all the necessary permission to the apps after installing them to access the features/phone data as per their demand
  • Do check if this problem is caused just because you have installed an app which is actually not compatible with the Asus Zenfone Max M2 or is having some development bugs in the same
  • Sometimes this problem arrives when the users disable the phone features which apps need for their operations

Earpiece sounds Robotic

  • Check and make sure the problem has not been caused by the failure of phone sounds or the driver software for the same
  • A hardware problem related with the earpiece connector, sound card or with the earpiece itself can cause this problem
  • There are chances that your smartphone is suffering from a problem related with the Operating System. Check if updating the same fix this bug
  • Check if this problem is there just because the quality of the sound during a call is too low due to network issues
  • Make sure you are not playing low-quality music files when you are felling about the robotic sound in the earpiece
  • Check and make sure the earpiece is not having a damage caused to the same due to any of the possible reasons
  • Make sure you are not using a product which is either pirated or is not compatible with the Asus Zenfone Max M2
  • This problem might be there just because of signal blockage due to a sharp bend on the wire of the earpiece
  • Restart the phone and check if the problem is solved upon doing the same

Slow performance

  • If the installed applications have not been updated to the latest version available on the Play Store, first perform this task and check if the problem is resolved
  • You simply need to make sure that your phone is not running out of the default storage space which is another possible reason to this problem
  • Avoid trusting all the platforms on the internet when it comes to data downloading and installing the apps in your phone
  • Check and make sure if your phone is active in the power saving mode which usually disables some features and makes you feel if the phone is having this issue
  • There are chances that a software problem is responsible for the slow performance of your Asus Zenfone Max M2
  • In some cases, this problem arrives when the users don’t clear the cache data of the installed apps
  • Check and make sure your phone is not having a virus in the storage location which doesn’t let it maintain performance
  • Sometimes this problem arrives in the phones only when users made some changes to the default or to any of the important settings which are recommended
  • Make sure your phone is not having any blocked apps installed in it. Remove all the data you no longer need
  • Check if the RAM of your Asus Zenfone Max M2 is causing this problem just because of its inability to perform well

Overheating problems

  • Try charging your phone from a different charging point/source and check if the things are back on the track
  • You may solve this problem with a simple reboot to your Asus Zenfone Max M2. Try it and check if the problem is still there
  • The heat released inside the phone might be more due to an external pressure/workload on a specific hardware component
  • Avoiding continuous data downloading in your phone from the same sources
  • Check and make sure all the apps in your phone are actually compatible with the same. If this problem is caused only while running a specific app, the problem might be with the same
  • A problem related to the battery inside can also be held responsible for this issue
  • The liquid damage caused to the core hardware of your Asus Zenfone Max M2 is another possible reason for its overheating
  • The type and kind of power bank you use can largely influence the factors that cause heat inside
  • Make sure the heat ventilation system of the gadget is not having any trouble with the same
  • Close all the apps running in the background. Restart the phone after this and check if this problem is gone
  • Check if there are a lot of games installed in your phone and the same is causing this problem

Screen not working properly

  • There are chances of an internal damage to the screen. Check the same properly
  • You need to make it sure that the problem has not been caused just because your phone doesn’t have the necessary updates released for it installed by you
  • Make sure the phone is not connected with another gadget through a USB cable when you are facing this problem.
  • The screen performance often get affected when you use a high power charger which is not meant for the Asus Zenfone Max M2
  • There are chances that your phone screen simply needs cleanliness against oil and grease molecules deposited on the screen
  • Higher moisture level inside the phone can also affect the screen working and performance
  • Disable the screen sharing option if the same is enabled by you and check if the problem is resolved
  • Do check if erasing some data from the phone default memory solves this problem
  • Perform a force restart to the phone and check if this trick works in bringing the favorable fortune for you
  • Don’t overload your phone with a lot of data which is another possible reason to this issue
  • Remove the pre-installed glass guard from the screen and check if the same was responsible for this issue
  • Check if your hands are not clean or if you are wearing gloves while trying to operate the phone screen
  • Avoid making any manual changes to the phone OS or avoid the customization of the same. This may unlock some features not meant for variant owned by you and the problem might be there due to the same reason
  • Installation of a firmware which is not for the variant owned by you is another common reason to this problem
  • Sometimes the improper insertion of the SIM card in the phone is the only factor responsible for this problem
  • Check if a simple restart to the phone is enough in bring the network signal back
  • There are chances that the phone is not having the Automatic network selection mode enabled in the network settings
  • The phone might be having a problem with the SIM slot. Check the same
  • Make sure your SIM card is having all the required services active on the same and the restrictions or temporary withdrawal of the services is not causing this problem
  • Check if the SIM card works perfectly when inserted in a parallel gadget
  • Make sure you own the variant of Asus Zenfone Max M2 which is specifically meant for the same else you need to face this problem
  • Remove the SIM card and re-insert. Doing this may solve the problem
  • Check if the SIM card access is protected with a password imposed by you manually. Remove the same and try again

Most of the common Asus Zenfone Max M2 problems can simply be solved if these methods and instructions are carefully taken into consideration. They are simple to follow and are effective in shaping the expected outcomes for you. Let us know about your experience through the below comment section.